Since you've been lurking you already know it can get pretty rowdy around here.
Hang out awhile....
...and don't take anything personal.
hi one and all.. i've lurked for 3 years, about time i signed up.. i'm a still in ms due to family.. fully awake.. i look forward to getting to know all of you..
Since you've been lurking you already know it can get pretty rowdy around here.
Hang out awhile....
...and don't take anything personal.
so, i know there are some from my congregation or from bethel who monitor my posts..... maybe you're looking for something to catch me out?.
just a question: rather than trying to find fault with me, have you stopped and looked into the issues or facts about the organisation that caused me to come to a place like this forum??.
facts are there for anyone to find nowadays....one just has to be willing to pull their head out of the sand.....
I can't even remember the name of the last congregation I attended, however, if there is anyone here that think they know who I am and want to tattle to their elders...I got two words for you.
The first one starts with an "F".
And the second one is you.
hey everyone!!
i hope everyone is doing good today.
i don't share or comment often, but i'm in the mood to do that today.
I wont play into the return to big J model the organization has sold to them, that we are discouraged and left. I'm happy as hell on this side
Just yesterday, my wife was droning on about some biblical story she's picked up from one of her latest WT binges about Baruch, some biblical character, and some inner turmoil he was going through. The gist of the story was, as usual, self-deprecation if necessary to bring you inline with WT organizational activity as a means of currying favor with their omniscient sock puppet jehovah.
i'm in a crazy situation.
about a year ago, i was going to get baptized.
it was all planned and arranged until ttatt was learned.
Baptism should be avoided at all costs, it will complicate things later and as u only have one functioning parent AT THE MOMENT try to keep things as calm as possible.
Wow.....I continue to be in amazement of all the trouble that can be caused by being immersed in a pool of bleached tap water.
i read on a jw forum that jw's came in for disapproval if they drove either sports cars or 2-door cars.
the reasoning was that a driver couldn't easily take fellow dubbies out preaching in such a vehicle.
was that ever official policy or just local nonsense from a grumpy po?.
Back in the early 90's there was a elder that refused to acknowledge me and the wife out in service because we drove a 2 Door Toyota sports car.
It was one of my early awakening moments.
jt further expounds on why we left the watchtower.
why we left the jehovah's witnesses part 2.
Nice to see you out and about JT and Lady C.
We're old buddies you and I as I remember we used to spar with apologists on belief.net and topix. I think we both started back going to school at the same time and even graduated near the same times. I think we both even hold high level IT jobs.
During my early exit and awakening I followed your posts with great interest.
looking back we had been fading without even realizing it.
life happened...and we weren't regular.
then we woke up and have actively been fading for 9 months.
I wouldn't give them the time of day and I would ignore any and all requests to meet.
Further, I would accelerate the fade to no meetings, no turning in time, and being busy with something to do if they come to the door.
I went to a CA one day with my wife and she thought it was so important that I meet with and talk to the elders who studied with me. When that time came, I shook their hands, exchanged hellos, and promptly turned and walked away leaving them all in stunned silence.
If only she knew how I really felt about them.......if I saw either of them on fire I wouldn't walk across the the street to piss on them.
it appears diogenesister feels a need for a proper ass-kicking.. ok, if you insist.
i'm a dub proctologist.... attempting to hijack greatteacher's thread "jw parents in severe car accident,".
diogenesister seized my observation that "bloodless surgery is the standard today, not because of the wtb&ts but because of medical progress" with he carefully-crafted argument "bull crap.".
I usually cringe when I hear JWs crow about how it was because of them that bloodless surgeries are so popular and how non-jws are moving to having bloodless surgeries.
As if, providing legions of crash test dummies willing to put t heir lives on the line is anything to crow about.
did any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
I guess its easy to say that when 8 million people are falling all over themselves flying you all over the planet and paying all your bills.
how hard is it to produce a monthly program and get it up on time?
they are late every month.. are these the same people that published 128 pages of magazines by the 1st,8th,15th and 22nd of every month for over 100 years?
are they understaffed?