Nice work......
4 people were hurt by the dog ... 2 were jws.
the older woman was severely hurt.
i hope the old woman survives.
Nice work......
that russian thing, all those suits, the bitter political divide... it's getting out of control.
i think trump could resign and pardon all, he even could get ill because to much pressure (even for his lawyer), or he's gonna get so cornered that he could take very drastic decisions.
they should concentrate in govern the country instead, it's getting tiresome.
Clinton kidnapped the Lindbergh baby and killed Jimmy Hoffa too!
not to mention all those puppies she killed!!!
hello everyone, i have an on and off again ex who is a jw.
each time her family gets involved and she's gone again.
i'm debating biting the bullet and doing the work to become baptized, so we can follow through with our engagement.
You should look up and read posts by a poster who used to be here by the name of SD-7. He followed the same playbook you are currently going by against the advice of all of the board and the result was a slow motion train wreak.
You should get as far away from this woman as you can. That piece of ass is not worth all the trauma it will bring to your life.
just joking i really don't think so...but the situation in syria is pretty worrisome...just hearing the news that france and great britain are attacking with cruise missiles in 72 hours.
i mean assad is not gonna gasify his adversaries when he almost won the civil war.
trump too suspended a very important trip to the latinoamerican presidents summit in peru, just to 'oversee the american response to syria.
Yeah.....who knows...this may be the catalyst that prompts the United Nations to turn against religion.
....and then.....
i met a wonderful man on several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
I can only imagine how this JW man would feel if someone was screwing his mother or sister and treating them this way.
I'd suggest you , cut your losses and get as far away from this clown as you can. He's just using you as a c__ dumpster for his sexual needs in contravention to everything he is supposed to believe in.
i met a wonderful man on several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
Don't put out too soon.
That horse has left the barn......
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
...and now he refuses to release the democratic rebuttal until it is revised to his liking.....
who didn't see that one coming?
the falcon heavy is set to launch today.
if successful, it will become the most powerful rocket in use (twice as powerful as the delta heavy).. as it's the very first attempt, elon musk has said he thinks there's a 50/50 chance of it not blowing up.
so should be interesting.
Where are all the conspiracy theorists ,fake news people ready to debunk this achievement ? I`m sure their out there.
Don't worry. They're coming!!!
i know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
It's pretty much a shit show right now.
9 days to go until i hand my d'a letter in.
its extremely short, as in one sentence long.
i'm not giving them a reason coz i don't need to coz it's my life and my choice and i don't have to answer to the boe or gb.
I don't even think you should give them that courtesy.....
to each his own.....