JoinedPosts by coalize
Proof the earth can be flat
by slimboyfat in"our perception of reality has more to do with what is going on in here (our brain) than what's going on out there (in the world).".
is it a dark square or a light square?
Proof the earth can be flat
by slimboyfat in"our perception of reality has more to do with what is going on in here (our brain) than what's going on out there (in the world).".
is it a dark square or a light square?
Proof the earth can be flat
by slimboyfat in"our perception of reality has more to do with what is going on in here (our brain) than what's going on out there (in the world).".
is it a dark square or a light square?
Does Jesus have wings?
by Bratbaby inyears ago when i was attacked i had giant wings wrap around me in the midst of the chaos and i knew i everything was gonna be ok.all these years i assume d they were angel wings.then last night psalm 91:4 flashed across my tv and it made me wonder if it was jesus himself so i researched on my phone and came across this site.this is my 1st post feedback welcome and
Stupid Questions to Ask Gay Guys
by fulltimestudent inmy friend tells me he gets sick of silly questions.
i tell him its part of the assimilation process.
Witnesses killed my friend today.
by WasOnceBlind intoday has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
Elder Mentioning an "Apostate Problem"
by Simon Templar ini bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
Sick! "Stoning of Two Transgenders in Dortmund, Germany Prevented By Police In The Last Minute."
by park ave boy inthis is what europe is becoming?
my work colleague in germany sent my this article in an email and it is perhaps one of the most disturbing things i have heard yet.
i have been hearing about many of these recent homophobic and transphobic hate crimes taking place across europe but this one slipped through the cracks.
Why don't people believe Facts?
by The Rebel ini have enjoyed some fascinating debates on the forum.
i have found it interesting when" facts" have been presented to support a viewpoint, yet the " facts" have then been rejected.. what does this mean?.
well the " truth" is as a dub, i was often presented with " facts" that the organisation was wrong, yet as this information challenged my belief system i convinced myself the " facts" were either completely wrong or misinterpreted, .