I said your posts are intelligent.
JoinedPosts by greatteacher
Did a 'major-event' cause you to join/leave JW?s?
by cyberguy init seems to me, many people become jw?s after a major event in their lives.
perhaps it is the death of a loved-one, such as a father, mother, child, wife, or husband.
on the other hand, it?s also my observation that a "major-event" often causes an active jw to rethink what they are doing with their life, whether they are really in the "truth," as jw?s call it.
Only Two Religions
by barry ini know i may get shot down in flames for this but here goes anyway.
im quoting fron dr des fords site http://www.desford.org.au/home/index.php/mission.
there are and always have been only two religions in the world.
I agree with your entire statement. But in response to the question, "is it uncanny for someone to quote science and then the bible in the same idea?" I'm not saying it is uncanny, I am saying that it is irrational and non-scientific.
Did a 'major-event' cause you to join/leave JW?s?
by cyberguy init seems to me, many people become jw?s after a major event in their lives.
perhaps it is the death of a loved-one, such as a father, mother, child, wife, or husband.
on the other hand, it?s also my observation that a "major-event" often causes an active jw to rethink what they are doing with their life, whether they are really in the "truth," as jw?s call it.
I didn't mean it in a condescending way. I am sorry if it is interpreted as such. Oracroth touched upon some Nietzscheian philosophy, but didn't quote or mention Nietzsche, so I so stupidly assumed he hadn't read him. Yes, I am "into" Nietzsche. Maybe I already read Ken Wilber, no, I didn't, but thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely read Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. Also, I view both your posts and Oracroth's posts as very intelligent and interesting and I enjoy communicating with you both.
Only Two Religions
by barry ini know i may get shot down in flames for this but here goes anyway.
im quoting fron dr des fords site http://www.desford.org.au/home/index.php/mission.
there are and always have been only two religions in the world.
No, not local gravitation, but I do possess an understanding of Biology 101 that easily provides enough information to realize that using the bible as a source to prove anything, is dumb. Making a statement of something scientific and then quoting five scriptures from the bible creates an imaginary corralation between the two. It is a technique frequently used by "believers" and the WTBTS as well. In the end, the statement itself is essentially non-scientific and the argument is invalid.
Only Two Religions
by barry ini know i may get shot down in flames for this but here goes anyway.
im quoting fron dr des fords site http://www.desford.org.au/home/index.php/mission.
there are and always have been only two religions in the world.
i misspelled hypothesis, sorry to everyone.
Only Two Religions
by barry ini know i may get shot down in flames for this but here goes anyway.
im quoting fron dr des fords site http://www.desford.org.au/home/index.php/mission.
there are and always have been only two religions in the world.
Eugene, are you trying to use "true science" to support the bible? Is there any "true science" that you don't use? You know what I'm talking about, yes the "E" word, do you try to assimilate evolution and creation? Also, I'm wondering how you use the scientific method to prove God exists? The point i'm making is that it's not right to use the term "true science" and equate beliefs with scientific theory. Either something is scientifically true or it is a belief. For example, you will never be able to use science to prove that the bible is inspired of god. How would you state the hypothisis? I'm not agreeing with Oracroth on his statement, but your statements are just as absurd. And by the way, what is your reference for the statement "quantum theory validates the Biblical view of physics."
Did a 'major-event' cause you to join/leave JW?s?
by cyberguy init seems to me, many people become jw?s after a major event in their lives.
perhaps it is the death of a loved-one, such as a father, mother, child, wife, or husband.
on the other hand, it?s also my observation that a "major-event" often causes an active jw to rethink what they are doing with their life, whether they are really in the "truth," as jw?s call it.
Oracroth, I have some book suggestions for you: THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA by Nietzsche. I think you're ready for it. Nietzsche also wrote THE ANTI-CHRIST and BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL. You will enjoy and learn from his writings. I agree with you about organizations, especially christian ones (that includes the "non-denominational" ones). It makes me laugh when people leave the Watchtower and join up with another restrictive christian group. What they don't realize is that it is inherent in christianity to be repressive, violent, elitist, and irrational. Jesus stated and implied all of that shit. I find the JW'S to be one of the worst of these groups, but they all share the blame. I only hope that we are truely living in the "Twilight of the Idols!"
Does anyone have a WT/AWAKE cover pertaining to the Occult?
by DebraDoll inplease help!
i have a huge power-point presentation due by friday, and need some depiction from the wtbts concerning the "dangers" of the occult or spiritism.
it deals with the tremendous variations of our world and how "evil" is defined and relative to each individual (ex; the i-ching is vital to confucianism, but feared by jw's, the crusades sought to "save" everyone by forcing conversion to catholicism, but tortured and blinded non believers with agonizing hot iron rods, etc.....)
I don't mean to change the subject, but I want to give all of you this advice: Remember that if you're being bothered or frightened by an evil spirit, call out the name Jehovah...loudly!
Who is your favorit actor???
by Singing Man infor me i really enjoy a johnny depp movie, this guy has talent.
Stallone can do it all! Drama: Rocky Action: Rambo Suspense: Cliffhanger Comedy: Stop or my mom will shoot! Beyond Definition and Catagorization: Tango and Cash
Did a 'major-event' cause you to join/leave JW?s?
by cyberguy init seems to me, many people become jw?s after a major event in their lives.
perhaps it is the death of a loved-one, such as a father, mother, child, wife, or husband.
on the other hand, it?s also my observation that a "major-event" often causes an active jw to rethink what they are doing with their life, whether they are really in the "truth," as jw?s call it.
The entire religion was a big joke to me and my friends at the KH. We took it seriously when we were young kids, but by the time we were in our teens, we knew it was total crap. For example, when we studied the Revelation Book at the book study, me and one particular friend had an incredibly diffiCULT time holding in our laughter, literally paragraph by paragraph (especially the pictures). We'd visit other Kingdom Halls and use the purple songbook and the green NWT just to get a response from other people. The only problem was that our parents took the whole thing very seriously, so we were (and still are) like Satan's sons to them. The only time the pressure let up a little bit for me was when a close relative was unjustly removed from as an elder. The thing that bugged me the most about the congregations (i went to three different ones) was the problem of gossiping. It seemed like everyone knew all about me, even people I never talked to in my life. Another memory difficult to rationalize were the rides to the kingdom hall. As a child, my parents would pick up these two enormous old sisters and I was squashed between the two in the back seat.