scholar pretendus wrote:
: Your response was predictable devoid of substance.
You're funny, Neil. Your response here is "predictable devoid of substance." Do you have dyslexia or something?
Predictably, your response contains nothing whatsoever by way of response to my specific comments. This shows that you're unable to respond to them.
: There is no singular theory of evolution
As opposed to a singulatr theory of evolution?
Don't you read your posts in the "reply" window before hitting the "submit" button?
: but theories of evolution faddish within science at the present time
Faddish? LOL! Some 150 years of faddsihness.
: which are under attack from the ID movement scientifically speaking, not politically speaking.
Yes, politically and religously speaking, ID is devoid of scientific content. It has produced no useful results at all. If you disagree, then by all means, show us some useful results.
: To date science has not presented any missing links to fill the gaps within the biological and fossil record although they have paraded many candidates to fill the gaps but all have failed including invertebrates, vertebrates, primates and human life forms. The gaps remain as large as ever.
Nonsense. Your claim is made out of sheer ignorance, or sheer dishonesty. Hundreds of transitional forms are documented in scientific literature. A brief survey can be found in the "Transitional Vertebrates FAQ" at the talkorigins website:
: Cosmology cannot account for the beginning of the universe
Oh? By the same token, theology cannot account for the beginning of the Christian God.
: or origin and no biology cannot account for the origin of life.
Well it also seems to be the case that no theology cannot account for the origin of God. So there!
: The big and esential mystery remains.
I agree. Why did God create those vile predators?
: The Creator and Creation books are well sourced
Let's be a bit more specific here. The Creation book has a lot of source references, to be sure. But as I've documented in the link I gave, many of them are misunderstood or simply misrepresented, or plagiarized from young-earth creationist sources. The Creator book's references are much less extensive than those in the Creation book, and I'm sure that that's deliberate, so as to make it harder for critics to expose the underlying dishonesty of the authors. The fact that many source references are deliberately not stated is proved by the fact that the Italian edition of the Creator book contains much more extensive source references than the English version, because the Italian government requires that all books published for Italian consumption contain full references. If it can be done in the later Italian versions, it can certainly be done in the original English versions.
: and well argued with its compelling logic arising from current scrientific research from varied sources with the scrientific community.
LOL! All of these "varied sources with the scrientific community", whether you understand it or not, are ID sympathizers, or have been misrepresented.
: The writers of such publications are not known and unknowable but are dedicated men who have a love of truth and God.
LOL! Neil, you're killing me! In 1997, when I was in New York for my brother's wedding, I went to Brooklyn Bethel and asked for Harry Peloyan to come down to the lobby of the 25 Columbia Heights headquarters building. He eventually did, and our meeting was quite revealing as well as entertaining. Peloyan reluctantly admitted to being the compiler of the Creation book (I had already confirmed this in discussions with a number of former Bethelites who had worked closely with Peloyan), so I have direct confirmation that he was the author. Do you really think that Peloyan's admission, backed by the testimony of at least four former Bethelites, was false?
: The ID hypothesis is indeed science and not religion because it simply forces science to ackowledge what is naturally known and understood instinctively and by reason alone.
LOL! The argument from ignorance, personified.
: Such reason alone compels one to believe that the world is of design and therefore there must be a Designer.
: Such maxims of truth are recognized universally by all philosophers and thinkers.
Abject nonsense. Most philosophers, for whatever reason, reject the notion of a Christian Creator God as promoted by IDers.
: Evolution recognizes the same truth but in a naturalistic form using a different label chance or randomness. Charles Darwin was a theist who believed in a Creator or Designer well expressed by William Paley and the modern day Richard Dawkins.
Are you for real? Prove your contention by some non-misrepresented quotations of Darwin.
: Evolution or evolutionism is simply a theory or hypothesis which is unproven or unprovable by the scientific method. The ID hypotheis is well demonstrated by the scientific method by direct observatiuon and repeatabilty.
Really. Can you point us to any experiments that show God in action creating some species? Can you perform repeatable experiments showing ID in action?
Neil, you're so laughably ignorant, it's beyond funny.
: Yes. it is good that you tremble at the knees of celebrated WT scholars who gy means of the fine literature are able to educate the ignorant masses.
My comments were entirely tongue-in-cheek, if you hadn't noticed. And I, "gy means of the fine literature" produced by the Society, as well as other commentators, have conclusively shown that these so-called "celebrated WT scholars" are nothing more than nincompoops who merely pretend to be scholars and are able to perpetrate a hoax on their followers by means of religious deception on a massive scale.
: No, the account of Genesis combines theology, philosophy and science as a perfect synthesis recognizing micro evolution with in kinds to account for the upward progression of athe natural order.
I see that you've been reading your ID literature.
: Science and religion have always coexisted together throughout history right up to the present day despite the hysteria of Darwinism.
: Such a synthesis or perennial philosophy properly accounts for the chaos and disorder in the world as a consequence of sin.
Really. So you figure that lions kill Cape buffalo because Adam ate a forbidden fruit? And Komodo Dragons kill their prey by a biologically poisonous bite, which results in a week or so of painful deterioration and death, because Adam disobeyed God?
: The days of creation are believed to be
By who?
: periods of time with the seventh day, a duration of 7000 years.
That makes no sense. If you meant to say, "periods of time within the seventh day," I could understand you. Is that what you meant? If so, then it's apparent that you believe that Genesis' creative days were all 7,000 years long. You failed to answer my direct questions on this, but your beliefs are obvious.
: The predatory behaviour of the animal world exist in the context of a world of sin, disorder and chaos contrary to the Edenic world of harmony,perfection and order.
I see. So chimpanzees kill and eat various monkeys because Adam ate a piece of fruit he wasn't supposed to. Yes, that makes a lot of sense.
: The theory of evolution as currently presented presents a framework that has some links which support both the Bible and the ID science in that all life is complex, arose from a point of origin and reveals a symmetry and purpose. Where it clashes is that removes the presence of a personal and loving Creator.
Most of your statement is incoherent nonsense, not deserving of a reply. I'll leave it at that.
: I hope these remarks help you to find truth.
Oh, yes, Neil. You've convinced me beyond all doubt that the God of the JWs is a fine, moral being. You've thoroughly convinced me that he, for reasons inscrutable and that I must not question, created nasty predators. I'm a Christian now, and I believe wholeheartedly that the Watchtower Society's leaders were appointed by the holy spirit to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God, to mankind. Neil, I wish that other JWs had the power of reasoning and convincing that you do. I will be rebaptized at the next convenient assembly.