scholar pretendus stupidus maximus wrote:
: You have certainly given me the coordinates for the modern city of Tyre which is the middle of the sandbar and that is most helpful but is this to be taken the eact site of the ancient city?
Of course not, you twit. The island city resided to the west of the sandbar coordinates and the mainland city to the east.
: If not then supply the precise coordinates for that ancient Phoenecian city of Tyre "never to be rebuilt".
The geographic coordinates of the approximate center of the part of modern Tyre located on the ruins of the ancient island city are 33.16.20 N by 35.11.40 E.
The geographic coordinates of the approximate center of the part of modern Tyre located on the ruins of the ancient mainland city are 33.16.18 N by 35.13.06 E.
: If you can do this then I can supply such enlightenment with a leading archaeological society indicating the source, Alan Feuerbacher that this is really the case.
You have your information. Now fulfill your commitment.
But again, we all know you'll do nothing of the kind, nor will you use the information I've supplied in any intelligent way.
: Because if your claim is valid that ancient Tyre is now rebuilt then it now must exist can can now be properly identified.
Of course. And if you'd get off your lazy ass and try excercising the brain that the Society has so severely damaged, you'd compare the coordinates I gave with the Google Earth satellite image that's so easy to get hold of, and with the overlaid map that Leolaia supplied in her post 7775 on page 23 of this thread.
: You say that the present island city as it stands today inhabited with numerous dwellings is in fact ancient Tyre
No. I say that it's a rebuilt Tyre. It's a rebuilt Tyre in the same sense that today's Jerusalem is a rebuilt Jerusalem, and that the Jerusalem of Jesus' day was a rebuilt Jerusalem, and that the Temple of Jesus' day was a rebuilt temple. Obviously, once a thing has been destroyed, it cannot be recreated (think about destroying the painting The Mona Lisa), but by all sensible notions things like cities and temples can be rebuilt. The fact that they can is shown by the Bible itself. But of course, we all know how strongly you disagree with the Bible.
: but id I went there there today and as I stand on that piece of land with an archaeologist at hand, could it then be said that now I am standing on ancient Tyre because it is now rebuilt?
Of course not, you twit. You'd be standing in the rebuilt, modern city of Tyre which had been rebuilt on the ancient site. Just as much as if you were standing in front of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem you'd be standing in a modern, rebuilt Jerusalem on the ancient site.
How you can manage to utter such complete foolishness is, well, diagnostic of the severe brain damage that the Watchtower cult can induce.
: Your account of matters does not square with what is presented in archaeological reports because it is common knowledge that the remnants of the ancient city are submerged.
Wrong. Leolaia has presented scholarly references proving that only part of the ancient site is submerged, and that today's Tyre is built on part of the ancient island city.