RAF wrote:
: ... but yet nobody can proove from what we evolved from
What would you take as proof?
and please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
RAF wrote:
: ... but yet nobody can proove from what we evolved from
What would you take as proof?
and please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
Warlock wrote:
: So Alan, what did you expect from a fool and ignoramus????
I entirely agree with your self-assessment.
: So, Alan, the universe is millions or billions of years old, with stars and planets and whatever else, and the evolutionary process started here on earth? Just here?
Obviously, no one knows. With an unbelievably large amount of raw material in the universe, and an unbelievably large number of possible interactions in that raw material, and most likely a great deal that mankind is completely ignorant of with respect to what raw material exists and how it behaves, no one can say what is possible and what isn't beyond what we actually observe. Since we observe in the historical record that evolution occurred on the earth, we know that it's possible on the earth. Beyond that is speculation.
: Such a "stupid" question on my part can surely be answered by someone with your superior intelligence.
No, it cannot be answered by anyone, because it's such a stupid question. I already gave you enough to go on to figure it out for yourself. Evolution, like photosynthesis, is a process, not an entity. An entity can travel from place to place; a process cannot. Can you comprehend this? If so, you have your answer. If not, then I cannot help you.
: Or is it just a "stupid" question because YOU can't answer it?
No one can answer such a stupid question because it's inherently unanswerable. Let me give you some parallel questions, and perhaps then you might admit to understanding.
Weather is a process. Can weather migrate from planet to planet, even in principle? How about from one continent to another?
Erosion is a process. Can Erosion migrate from planet to planet, even in principle? How about from one continent to another?
The evolution of language is a process. Can the evolution of language migrate from planet to planet, even in principle? How about from one continent to another?
Here are other examples of extremely stupid questions:
Can an all-powerful God make a stone so heavy that he can't lift it?
Can God make 2 + 2 equal 7?
Can you explain why these are stupid questions?
Really, though, I don't think you don't understand the above. I think that for religious reasons you're simply too stubbornly doctrinaire to admit that you do, and so you refuse to admit that you understand.
and please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
Warlock wrote:
: Just as a side question, why did evolution choose to stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?
Good Lord! This is one of the most stupid questions I've ever seen. As Enrico Fermi was fond of saying, the ideas behind it are not even wrong.
Evolution is an observed process. The question is like asking, Why did the process of photosynthesis stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?
word is greg s. has a new book comin out, do you know anything about it?
Stafford's new book is being offered on his website www.elihubooks.com: Jehovah's Witnesses Defended: An Answer to Scholars and Critics, 3rd edition. I hear tell that he solidly rejects the 1914 chronology.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?.
AK-Jeff, as I explained in your original thread, and as Hillary_Step pointed out, I was not making light of your post or having fun at your expense with my parody here. I was making a very serious point by using your reasoning. And I will state for the record that I have no self-esteem problems, so your evaluation of my motives is clearly off base.
In your 2nd post (5404; 18-Jul-07 13:20) you said:
: My original thread was an attempt to bridge the chasm that exists between those who worship science and those who do not.
This shows two levels of the problem I was trying to illustrate: (1) you confuse respect for the methods of science with worship of science; (2) there will never be other than a chasm between those who respect the methods of science and those who do not.
Most scientists, and non-scientists who apply the methods of science to determine their world-views, do not in any sense "worship" science. Such claims are often made by people who have little or no training in the sciences, or who for whatever reason do not understand how science works or reject it altogether. Such people invariably form their worldviews by nonrational or even irrational means. For example, geocentrists almost always base their views on the Bible, and reject the methods of science because of their belief in a literal interpretation of the Bible. Such people almost invariably claim that anyone who rejects geocentrism worships science. They confuse their own worship of some god with mere respect for how rational people deal with the world.
Geocentrism has no empirical support in today's world. Nor does flat earthism. Nor does young-earth creationism. Nor does belief in gods of any kind. Anyone who believes in gods despite the lack of empirical evidence does so because of faith, which is based on nonrational or even irrational criteria. People who believe in something in spite of complete lack of empirical evidence are by definition rejecting the methods of science, which are inherently empirical. Such people cannot logically claim to respect the methods of science. Hence there is a built-in chasm between these two classes of people.
Let me ask you some pointed questions.
Do you actually respect flat-earthers?
Do you actually respect geocentrists?
Do you actually respect people who believe in astrology?
Note that I'm not talking about respecting their beliefs, which I assume you're saavy enough to reject. I'm talking about respecting the people themselves.
However you answer, I'm sure you can see where I'm going with these questions.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a higher level of intelligence than those who accept euclidian geometry theories?.
You should be imprisoned in a tesseract for posting such silliness.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?.
Well there, John Doe. My comparison is extremely fair. Perhaps that's a good thing for you to ponder.
I understand completely what you're saying here, Open mind. I agree that it's a good thing to have a diversity of opinions based on various belief systems here. However, that doesn't mean that opinionated discussion ought not take place. After all, I'm not going to convince some people to change their beliefs, any more than they're going to convince me to change mine -- unless, of course, they present strong, conclusive, rational evidence. In my experience, these discussions, sometimes strongly worded, allow non-participating readers to form their own opinions based on information and viewpoints new to them. I know from personal experience that I wouldn't have learned nearly as much from a warm, fuzzy environment as I did from one where strong debate was the norm. Furthermore, experience shows that many "newbie/lurker" types benefit from being hit upside the head by viewpoints they might at first be offended by.
Now that wasn't so bad, eh?
stillajwexelder wrote:
: Well I am sorry Alan. I am just an old fashioned scientist. I like logic and reason and EVIDENCE.
Sorry to hear that.
: Now I am not against thinking outside the box - but I have seen the curvature of the earth persoanlly from a high altitude plane. I have witnessed eclipses. I see constellations and Galxies "appear to move" . All beautifully mathematically (and math is the purets science) explainable.
All these things are well explained by good flat-earth theories. Their methodology is admittedly different from secular scientists, but the evidence is in.
Tell me, do you really think that Australians hang by their fingers?
: So sorry - no I am a proud NON-FLAT EARTHER - but I do belive in Zeus - or was it Jupiter or Appollo - anyway , one of those ancient Gods.
: By the way Alan - doesnt the flat earth stand on the backs of 4 turtles - or was it on the shoulders of Atlas
It's turtles all the way down!
journey-on, your words are a bit too fuzzy for this poor flat-earther to fully comprehend, but I must comment that we rational flat-earthers really do go on reality rather than fuzzy notions of spirituality.
Mulan, I'm saying the earth is like a pizza pie.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?.
John Doe wrote: : The post your trying to satirize is not a fair comparison, imo. Why? AlanF
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept evolutionist' theories?.
Another thought for AK-Jeff: I just posted a new thread parodying this one ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/138163/1.ashx ). I'm not doing this just to be mean or to single you out or attack you, but to make a point.
The point is that, to someone who has carefully examined the issues of the existence of the Abrahamic God, of higher powers in general, of evolution versus creation, and other related things, belief in creation is as devoid of rational basis as is belief in a flat earth, geocentrism or astrology. As with biblical creation, belief in these ideas is strictly based on a literal interpretation of the Bible and/or general irrationality.
no firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?.
No firestorms please. But be honest. Do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept round-earthers' theories?
I only say so - because whenever it comes up that someone dares admit to accountablility to the higher power that created our flat earth, he/she is soon trounced upon as if just short of needing rehab at the local mental health centre. Sarcasm, and innuendo begin to flow and ebb, and soon the person just ducks for cover. I don't blame them.
I'm not asking for voluminous explanation as to why we are so stupid in our reasoning - just honestly - should we just go off and commit suicide due to our inablility to see things from your reasonable perspective? Just curious.
I admit - I believe in a flat earth. Maybe just because I prefer it to the alternative. Or perhaps I am just a superstitious genetic hold over from the dark backwards continent of ancient times. I need my rabbit's foot flat, solid earth?
Sorry - no offence intended on either side of this aisle. I just don't see why we feel compelled to attack others, insinuating great lack of mental ability due to acceptance of something you have rejected. Never mind - I don't really want to know. But since I started the thread, I shall post it.