Posts by AlanF
Looking for KM's 2002 to Present
by AlanF in.
i'm looking to fill in my collection of kingdom ministries with issues from 2002 through the present.. if anyone wants to get rid of some, please pm me.. thanks,.
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness in
Yet another nail in the lid of the Society's coffin of hypocrisy is the fact that, as of June 2005, they were still participating in the U.N.'s Associated NGO program. Randy Watters posted something about this last spring on the Freeminds website. Here's the link:
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness in
I don't really know what you're talking about, Fisherman, but I surmise that you've been taken in by the ridiculous rantings of thirdwitness. But this little tempest in a teapot is far from over.
If you really have something to say, then say it outright. Just as I always do.
Flood/Bristlecone Pine: bible believers: Non blievers also please read
by skyking in.
using overlapping tree ring patterns from dead and still living bristlecone pines shows a 100% provable climate for california for over 10,000 years thus proving the the great flood did not happen as far back as 10,000 years ago.
this is proof that will stand up to even the dumbest bible thumping jw that is as long as they still have a brain.
The Society has commented on the bristlecone pine evidence a couple of times, but a long time ago. They basically dismissed the evidence in the usual way -- scientists can be wrong, several rings can form in a year, how could dead wood possibly hand around for such a long time? etc. They never addressed the hard questions.
Dead wood can hang around a very long time in the high altitude, extremely dry and barren areas of the White Mountains in which they grow. It's cold and dry, so there's hardly any critters around to eat the wood or make it decay. Even when ancient wood lies directly on the ground, because the ground is essentially barren gravel, there's nothing to make it decay.
The fact that dead wood is cross-correlated with living wood kills the argument about multiple yearly tree rings. While there are a few such rings, they're few and they don't affect the final result, which is cross-checked with -- horrors! -- carbon 14 dating.
In some parts of Europe, carbon 14 dating has been cross-correlated not only with tree ring dating, but with sediment layers in lakes and bogs. These methods also correlate nicely with ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. When four independent methods from widely varying locations come up with the same dating scheme for events in the past 10,000 years, you know they're correct.
Looking for KM's 2002 to Present
by AlanF in.
i'm looking to fill in my collection of kingdom ministries with issues from 2002 through the present.. if anyone wants to get rid of some, please pm me.. thanks,.
Flood/Bristlecone Pine: bible believers: Non blievers also please read
by skyking in.
using overlapping tree ring patterns from dead and still living bristlecone pines shows a 100% provable climate for california for over 10,000 years thus proving the the great flood did not happen as far back as 10,000 years ago.
this is proof that will stand up to even the dumbest bible thumping jw that is as long as they still have a brain.
A good topic, skyking.
It's early yet, and there aren't many young-earth creationist types on this board, so you shouldn't expect a lot of responses from such.
Top ten issues to prove that JW's do not have "the truth"
by TweetieBird ini am trying to compile a list of proof's, issues, lies, etc that prove that the wts is not jehovah's channel.
what are your top reasons for now believing that it is not the truth?
The fact that the most important doctrine is worship of the Governing Body, killing people through the misguided blood policy, emotional abuse by overuse of shunning, general intellectual dishonesty while claiming to worship the God of truth, making false predictions in God's name, falsely claiming that Jesus is "present" today, causing people to go through life as if "Armageddon is right around the corner" when Jesus specifically said to avoid such people, are a few.
Faces to Names
by Peaches-n-Cream inhey all...
so many of you have given me a great big welcome to the board.
do any of you have pictures you wouldn't mind posting so i can match some faces to your name?
How about this?
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness in
Your questions get right to the meat of the issue, Quandry. If the WTS has nothing to hide, then a full disclosure of the materials it has on hand concerning its dealings with the U.N. in the early 1990s, along with a full disclosure of all of its communications with the U.N., should be forthcoming.
But these people know they have much to hide. That's why they refuse to release any of this material, even when JWs with 40 years or more of "faithful service" beg them to be upfront. Then the Society sees to it that these poor people are disfellowshipped on charges of "causing divisions", when it is the Society itself that is causing divisions by failing to tell the truth.
Just watch what thirdwitness does with my challenge to him to contact Ciro Aulicino and Robert Johnson. What do you think he will do?
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness in
It just occurred to me, thirdwitness, that all of your defensive speculations could in principle be easily confirmed or disconfirmed if you did just one thing: Call Ciro Aulicino and Robert Johnson in Brooklyn, Bethel and have them confirm or disconfirm -- in writing -- the basics of what happened, as I listed in my above posts # 4772 and # 4766, as well as anything else you think is relevant from other peoples' posts, and also your own.
In particular, read to Aulicino or send him a link to Barbara Anderson's description of how he came to write the articles in the September 8, 1991 Awake! that seemed to praise the U.N., and have him tell you whether her description is accurate, and if not, why not. Then run by him the following material from my post # 4766:
Third, in its letter to Branch Committees of 1 November 2001, the Watchtower Society implicitly admits that it knew about the criteria for association:
The Criteria for Association of NGOs -- at least in their latest version -- contain language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realized this, we immediately withdrew our registration.
If the Society can compare the latest version of the "Criteria for Association of NGOs" with the supposedly different version that existed when it applied for association in 1991, and conclude that the new version contains "language that we cannot subscribe to" whereas the old version did not, then obviously the Society must have known exactly what those earlier criteria were.
This, of course, immediately raises the question of why the Society has never produced a copy of the supposedly different earlier criteria so that people can check if it is telling the truth. But because various U.N. staffers and others have shown that the 1991 criteria remained essentially the same through 2001, the Society obviously does not want to contribute to another expose of its lying.
Obviously, the way to find out for sure about this is to ask Aulicino or Johnson to send you photocopies of whatever material is needed to put this baby to rest. Surely, as such a successful and vocal defender of the faith, you can get them to do this for you!
But I must rain on this parade. Both Aulicino and Johnson know perfectly well that a real JW would never think to question the Society's word by actually asking for hard evidence. So, even if they would deign to talk to you -- which I consider a low probability -- they would refuse to send you any hard data, any more than the Society has abided by other JWs' requests for the same, and would simply tell you to accept what has already been published on the matter and forget about trying to defend the Society against those vile apostates.
But you already know all this and I seriously doubt that you'd even try calling these guys. So you already know that it's not nice to question Mommy, and Mommy will hand you your head if you press it.