Another STELLAR job Blondie - Thanks!
I appreciate your taking the time (and Tums) to do these Threads. Your comments are both insightful and funny!
15 The parable continues: "After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them." (Matthew 25:19) In 1914?certainly a long time after 33 CE?Christ Jesus began his royal presence. Three and half years later, in 1918, he came to God?s spiritual temple and fulfilled Peter?s words: "It is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17; Malachi 3:1) It was time to settle accounts
18 Sadly, some did not pass inspection...some anointed Christians had not engaged in "business." Before 1914 they had not enthusiastically shared their hope with others, and they did not want to start in 1919. They were ?thrown out into the darkness outside, where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth would be.??Matthew 25:28,30.
These applications are PURE Speculation!
20 The great crowd of other sheep have imitated their anointed brothers. They are aware that their knowledge of God?s purposes brings great responsibility. (Ezekiel 3:17-21) ...
The scriptures that should really be stressed here are Ezekiel 9:5 & 6, being 'thrown outside' takes place here. So the GB today are the ones that should be most concerned.
They must render an account for the way the Lord?s belongings are administered....
Mark 10:42 & 43 Has been overlooked too. The GB has been 'lording it over' the congregation for decades imposing their personal vision of spiritual perfection on them!
Thanks again Blondie.