21 paragraphs of Guilt Manipulation.
No one is right with God UNLESS they're following the approved Spiritual Program.
i told blondie i'd do the comments this week to help give her a bit of a break.
this week's study is all about resisting the spirit of the world.
this is nothing new really-----they've been preaching this for decades, but it still unbelievable how hypocritical they can be......... the study article is in black, my comments are in blue and unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are from the nwt.. .
21 paragraphs of Guilt Manipulation.
No one is right with God UNLESS they're following the approved Spiritual Program.
the article is not yet in print, however on jw.org you will find the audio recording for the february 15, 2009 study edition.. this article sums up some of the talks given over the past year or so.
it makes clear that we should trust the faithful and discreet slave because jehovah and jesus trust the "slave".
the slave has been faithfully providing spiritual food for 130 years.
Can anyone imagine Jesus constantly stressing to His diciples that He is the Messiah and how they had better obey Him!?
imo - the great tribulation:.
occurs when religion is attacked.
it appears to be a destructive power apart from god but without his intervention 'no flesh would be saved' on earth (matthew 24: 21 and 22).
Pahpa:I recommend that you read Barbara Tuchman's "A Distant Mirror." She describes the horrible conditions that mankind experienced in the 14th century that convinced many they were living in the "end times" just as some do today. But it did not come then even as it did not come when Russell and Rutherford predicted specific dates.
People living in a historical period really can't discern "the times." People tend to think that their generation is special and unique....even for the terrible conditions. That is the reason so many Christians anticipated "the end" in their own era.
But it is clear from scripture that Christians should not be distracted by speculations and date settings. Christianity is a "way of life" that is motivated by love of God and love of neighbor. And every generation has enough needs to be met without getting side-tracked by things we can not know.
Even if we don't agree about our present day being The End, I'm sure you'll agree that at some point in time "someone" will correctly believe they are living in the End. I believe since the beging of WWI humanity has been in that time.
If I am wrong I'm sure God will not hold it against me because like you, I believe Christianity to be a way of life and living daily in a way that God and His Son approves will safeguard us no matter when the End happens.
maximumtool: Well said Pahpa...for some reason, every generation has people that really want to believe that they are living in the "last days", and that things can not possibly get any worse and that God, whoever that may be depending on your belief, just has to step in. Cause he just has to....cause it cant get any worse. Billions of people have believed this, and not one of them has ever been correct...
And regarding the flood of Noahs day, what do you mean "Wha???" For one, that is not even a word. Second, not believing something that is as fundamentally stupid as the idea of the flood of Noahs day is not denial, it is common sense and a display of intellectual integrity. I used to believe in the flood just as much as you do now. But the same critical thinking skills that I applied to other areas of my life were somehow lacking when I thought about, and believed in, the flood. It's not denial, it's accepting reality.
I know you may have heard this question before, even so, I have to ask (retoricaly)..."If you yourself had the ability to correct ALL the problems of the world and restore everyone who who has ever suffered ANYTHING, would you? My guess is you would. I believe there is a person who has that ability AND desire.
I am glad your still a Critical Thinker. Thats one of the two reasons why I will NEVER join another religion. They ALL discourage or condem critical thinking and seek to control our lives as much as possible. Jesus never micro-managed his followers.
imo - the 'last' generation:.
[oct. 15, 1995 watchtower].
1914, that's when russell and his bible students were waiting for armageddon to come.
It's to your credit that all of you who are unhappy with me at least took the time to read my Thread/s to the degree you have. And even though I don't agree with your opinions of myself, thank you for responding.
imo - the 'last' generation:.
[oct. 15, 1995 watchtower].
1914, that's when russell and his bible students were waiting for armageddon to come.
LanDi:Lets look at this for a second. Lets say that the Bible is Gods inspired word. Lets say that the JWs were right about the UN being the wild beast of revelation -this causes a bit of a dilemma. The sleeping with the enemy situation (NGO) adultery worthy of any member of Babylon the Great so viciously slaughtered for their sins by the WTS in the book of Revelation and a move therefore of horrific hypocrisy, can they be exempt for their crimes themselves ? This causes a major problem. Jesus said to the Pharisees " If you were blind you would have no sin, yet you say we see. Your sin remains.".
The Churches are "blind" for their loyalty to to the Devils Gang (probably) so have committed no great wrong. The WTS who shouted out from the roof tops that it was wrong what Babylon the Great (every other religion naturally) was up to are guilty of a sin that "remains". This means that your camps are "no sin" or sin that "remains". This puts JWs in great danger - therefore being a member of the " real " Babylon the Great. It is also dishonest, fraudulent and disgraceful - like spitting in Jesus 's face.
We have (Bible is true) other situations being - prophecy. 1914,1925,1975 , generation of 1914 (changed understanding yet according 2 you may still be fulfilled in its original meaning) The early failed prophecies are very condemning." If a person makes a prophecy in the name of the Lord and it fails to come true this one must be considered a false prophet " (somewhere in Hebrew scripture) So as the word of God , God "cannot lie" (Pauls words) and therefore it is surely an open and shut case ?
Oh and Blood Transfusions. Jesus according to the WS came to earth in 1919 ( or 18?) to clean his temple and set themstraight on the things they were wrong on (coincidence that Rutherford took over and change the beliefs , God inspired the abusive, dishonest vile alchoholic ) If it was so important that Gods servants refuse blood ( why then do you have milk in your tea as milk contains blood you know?) why was the policy not brought in until many years later? Simply because it is a wicked practise and a modern day equilivent of the below scripture :
"They sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molech. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing. What an incredible evil . . .!" -- Jer. 32:35, New Living Bible "Get out of her [Babylon the Great] my People " - Gods words in Revelation.After all how can a religion that claims to promote Gods name amongst the nations ( Yahweh does not mean the same as Jehovah - a name invented less than a thousand years ago ) and yet uses a man made substitute. ' Woe to you scribes and pharisees , because you put the traditions of men ahead of the Word of God ' - Jesus in the Gospels. ' Make sure you don't let anyone mislead you for many false prophets will come in my name and on the basis of my Name ' - Jesus in the Gospels. Remember what he said of fate of the Proselites converted by the Pharisees - don't fall into that trap. You owe it to your self to discover the truth.
Very interesting post. We don't agree on some points, yet we agree on the most important things.
IMO, the Bible both contains God's word and human thinking. It is also a preserved record for us.
imo - the great tribulation:.
occurs when religion is attacked.
it appears to be a destructive power apart from god but without his intervention 'no flesh would be saved' on earth (matthew 24: 21 and 22).
NewYork44M: The whole concept of attacking religion never made sense to me. What does that mean? When BTG is destroyed, what does that mean?
I never got a straight answer. May be you know.
God destroys BTG because it has both misrepresented Him and caused extreme harm around the earth. The destruction of BTG means Armageddon is about to happen! The leaders of Gods people and their rabid supporters have brought God's anger upon themselves for being self-righteous hypocrites, for "beating" their fellow believers and for being lazy at their work during a time when lives were at stake.
LisaAnn: Wha?!!!
Exactly! Jesus said during the Last Days people will take "no note." Denial is a form of that.
jaguarbass:My world is deffintiely more difficult than the world I lived in back in the 60's and 70's.
It is almost imbearable, today compared to then.
I dont know if its because we are living in the times of the end, or because I was raised by a crazy lady who made me go to the kingdumb hall and convinced me not to get an education or learn anything that would make my life easier when I got old.
Its not your imagination. The closer we get to the End the worse life around the world becomes. Thats why Jesus said we should lift our heads UP when we see these things because our deliverance is getting near.
imo - the great tribulation:.
occurs when religion is attacked.
it appears to be a destructive power apart from god but without his intervention 'no flesh would be saved' on earth (matthew 24: 21 and 22).
Occurs when Religion is attacked. It appears to be a destructive power apart from God but without His intervention 'no flesh would be saved' on earth (Matthew 24: 21 and 22).
A close friend from many years ago once said when religion is attacked it will not go away quietly but be a very bloody, very violent event. I believe he is right.
As we know, the zealots of religion are capable of anything since they believe they have God's favor. If they have Biological Weapons they will use them, if they get Nukes...they will use them. Add to that the power of Satan and his demonic army warring against ALL humanity in an attempt to thwart God's will for His faithful followers and His earth.
In recent years we have seen new diseases popping up around the globe, many potentialy VERY DEADLY. Violent weather around the world is something common now that wasn't in the not-to-distant past.
I do believe the present Ruler of this world, Satan is preparing for God's War in a way that will prove most harmful to humanity. I also am not convinced that everyone who dies during the GT will not be resurrected, but everyone who dies 'during Armageddon' definately will not.
Is what Jehovah uses to end the Great Tribulation. I suspect Armageddon will be a prolonged event like the flood of Noah's day which took 40 days and nights to complete.
imo - the 'last' generation:.
[oct. 15, 1995 watchtower].
1914, that's when russell and his bible students were waiting for armageddon to come.
[Oct. 15, 1995 Watchtower]
1914, that's when Russell and his Bible Students were waiting for Armageddon to come. They waited 35 long years for 1914...and then, NO ARMAGEDDON.
Then 81 years later the GB runs scared and changes a primary teaching of Christ, even though the sign was, and still is, in FULL BLOOM right in front of them (Luke 21: 29 ~ 32).
It was clearly because Eighty ONE years had passed since 1914 and that they were applying Psalms 90: 10 LITERALY. When all they had to do was look around themselves at everyone older than eighty to know the scripture HAS to be a figuer of speech! The 'Age of Reason' teaching was purely human thinking NOT Divine.
People born in 1914 right now are 94, old yes, but many people live well on into their ninety's. People 100+ are becoming more common now. So I believe in the ‘near future' we can expect to see serious changes at the UN toward religion.
I am convinced the WTS teaching is correct concerning the United Nations being the Beast with the 'death stroke healed' and that it will, in time, be 'Fully Empowered' to command all the earths governments, for the sake of 'Peace and Security' to destroy all organized religion everywhere...including the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Ezekiel 9: 6c, 9 and 10).
During this time we must be ‘as cautious as serpents yet inoccent as doves’ in that we must be ready to renounce our "faith" that is to say 'our religion' while keeping our uncomprimised faith and relationship with God and His Son secret from the authorities.
UN Chapter VII has all ready been invoked to legalize the War On Terror. It wont take much to expand it to crushing religion. Afterward look for the UN and all the nations to declare the War On Terror 'OVER' and proclaim 'PEACE AND SECURITY!!!
I welcome your thoughts. These are some of the beliefs I've come to hold.
imo - who is the evil slave and how we can tell?.
matthew 7: 15 ~ 23 'by their fruits you will recognise them.'.
it's apparent by their conduct, that after waiting 35 years and seeing 1914 fail to bring armageddon, the slave that was faithful turned evil.
Hey Flash.
I appreciate what you're trying to prove. But...
When Jesus spoke about the wheat among the weeds there is no reference to any "organization" that is special in God's eyes.
The Jews had been the chosen people... But...
For God there was no longer either Jew nor Greek, for they could all come to be His children, adopted through their faith in the ransoming grace of Jesus sacrifice. Throughout these couple of thousand years people have put their faith in Jesus Christ and have been able to call out to their Heavenly Father out of a clean conscience and a heart of faith .
The evil slave as I undestand it from the gospels is that slave who seeing that the Lord's return seems to take longer than expected, turns to mistreating his fellow servants of God.
With Christian Love and warm regards.
Hi ILOOWY! I think we agree that Jesus never intended for there to be an organized religion. The Word was to be spread and lived, not enshrined in brick and mortar buildings.
I agree also about the 'faithful' slave possibly becoming evil and that there is not two opposing groups/classes.
Yes, a comparative study of all Christian denominations may show that many fall into this category, however his premise was assuming the JW's were "the truth".but if the supposition listed above were correct then that is the way I would lean. Thanks for you input and open mindeness LayingLow.
Suppose the Bible Students were correct (Pre-Rutherford), then it would seem from studying those scriptures that the WTS is much more guilty of being the wicked slave rather than the Bible Students (Which the WTS claims is the wicked slave).
I don't personally feel that this is speaking about either group,
They tell lies they say " Armageddon is just around the corner"
Stilla, I believe it IS! I see there is a lot that is wrong with the Witnesses, even so, I'm convinced they have a lot of important things right.
There is no "evil slave". The faithful slave Is the evil slave, should ne be unfaithful.
"On the other hand, that servant, if he is wicked, may think that it will be a long time before his master comes." Matthew 24:48 GWV
But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, ‘My master is a long time in coming,’ Weymouth
But if the slave is bad and says to himself, ‘My master is going to be gone a long time,’ - Williams
I agree RR. The faithful turns and becomes evil. I'm sorry, it seems I didn't make that more clear. Those in the GB who constantly profess they're the faithful slave are either evil slaves or slaves lacking understanding or slaves who understand yet support the evil and comfort themselves with excuses.
Using the above knowledge will correct all the misunderstanding the world has of the bible, and will put one on the correct path to the real truth. The information that is in the New Testament will not make any sense to you or anyone else without this knowledge!!!
greengopete! Is that Spanglish for gringo Pete?
Pete we don't really agree on this, even so, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow lover of God!
imo - who is the evil slave and how we can tell?.
matthew 7: 15 ~ 23 'by their fruits you will recognise them.'.
it's apparent by their conduct, that after waiting 35 years and seeing 1914 fail to bring armageddon, the slave that was faithful turned evil.
reniaa: "This also has no basis in reality if you don't do it as a comparative study with other christian faiths and their practices over time, to just do this reasoning on one group alone with no comparison to others is missaplying it at best and downright missleading the reader at worst."
My premise is that the Witnesses are God's people just as the ancient Jews were, that the leaders of the Witnesses left God and lead His people away from Him and His Son the same way the Jewish leaders of Jesus time had. More than that, they have been beating those that love God chasing many of them AWAY!