They are simply selling that we don't have documents supporting the lengths of all these kings' reigns
Of course we do!
And that's rather the point of this thread. I have tried to take a K.I.S.S. approach for the benefit of those who are not interested in details involving Ptolemy, astronomical diaries, etc.
But for those who need to be convinced and/or reassured that the relative chronology is firmly established, I will go into more detail in this post.
This post contains information and quotes from:
Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C. - A.D. 75, Brown University Studies, Vol. XIX. Richard A. Parker, Waldo H. Dubberstein, Brown University Press:1956, pp. 12-13. (quotes from 4 th printing, 1971.)
The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume III, Part 2, second edition, 1991, pp. 242-243.
Nabonidus and Belshazzar. Raymond Philip Dougherty,Yale University Press: 1929.
Background:--- There are dated cuneiform tablets for each year of each king of the neo-Babylonian empire.
--- These tablets are original, contemporary documents, not later Seleucid-era copies.
--- They are dated by month/day/year of the king.
--- There are literally tens of thousands of cuneiform texts for the neo-Babylonian era. Tablets have been found from many different cities, from private as well as official archives. These reflect the ordinary details of every day life for the men and women of that time. There are contracts, invoices, deeds of sale, records of taxes and tithes, accounts of herds, marriages, sales of slaves, etc. Think of the wide variety of dated papers you have in your own home, going back many years, and you will have an idea of the kinds of dated tablets that we have for the neo-Babylonian period.
The tablets showing the day of the month and the name and year of one king are followed by tablets with the name of the new king immediately thereafter, sometimes within days.
This provides an unbroken chain linking each of the kings with his successor.
The Watchtower has cited Raymond Philip Dougherty's Nabonidus and Belshazzar, Yale University Press: 1929. It is interesting to note that Dougherty, in 1929, could already state that the list of kings with their reigns "is based upon more than two thousand dated cuneiform documents. It must therefore be accepted as the ultimate criterion in the determination of Neo-Babylonian chronological questions." (p.10)
In 1956 Parker and Dubberstein printed a list of cuneiform tablets which give evidence for the beginning and end of each king's reign. The WT both cites and quotes from Parker and Dubberstein's book. They use it to establish their date of 539 B.C.E.
In the years since Parker and Dubberstein first published their lists of tablets which establish the beginning and end of each king's reign, many additional texts have been published. They all confirm the same regnal years (see excerpts from the 1991 edition of The Cambridge Ancient History, pp. 242-243, quoted at the bottom of this message.)
--- We know the name of each king.
--- We have dated cuneiform tablets (contracts, legal documents, bills of sale, invoices, inventories, etc.) for each year of each king.
--- We have dated cuneiform tablets for the last year of each king, and these are followed by dated tablets for the new king.
Summary of data from Parker and Dubberstein (see below for further details):
--- Dates given as: month/day/ year of reign
---P&D have converted the dates and I have included those for ease of comparison.
But, remember, the cuneiform documents establish a relative chronology. So the year on the actual tablet is 21 st Nabopolassar, not "605 BCE".
Nabopolassar: last dated text: V/1/21 = August 8, 605 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar: first dated text: VI/12/acc = Sept. 18, 605
Nebuchadnezzar: last dated text, from Uruk: VI/26/43 = October 8, 562 BCE
Amel-Marduk: first dated text, from Sippar: VI/26/acc = October 8, 562 BCE
Amel-Marduk: last dated text: V/17/2 = August 7, 560 BCE
Neriglissar: first dated text: V/23/acc = August 13, 560 BCE
Neriglissar: last dated text: I/2/4 = April 12, 556 BCE
Labashi-Marduk: first dated text: I/23/acc = May 3, 556 BCE
Labashi-Marduk: last dated text: III/12/acc = June 20, 556 BCE
Nabonidus: first dated text: II/15/acc = May 25, 556 BCE (see note below)Nabonidus: last dated text: VII/17/17 = October 13, 539 BCE (see note below)
Babylonian Chronology 626 B.C. - A.D. 75
, Richard A. Parker, Waldo H. Dubberstein, Brown University Press:1956, pp. 12-13.
Dates are given as Month/Day/Year
Month refers to the Babylonian month
Acc. = accession year
A complete list of abbreviations is at the end.
-------- the following is an excerpt from Parker & Dubberstein:
Evidence for Beginning of Reign
VI/l/acc. (Sept. 7, 605), Nebuchadnezzar ascends the throne in Babylon (Chronicle, BM21946. II. 10-11, Wiseman,
op. cit. pp. 27 and 69).
(Sept. 18, 605) (unpub. text
NBC 4746, Goetze,
op. cit. p. 44). VI/18/acc. (Sept. 24,605), Sippar (unpub. text BM 49524, Wiseman,
op. cit., p. 85, note to 1.11).
. (Oct. 11, 605) (BM 92472 = Strassmaier,
Nabuchodonosor, No.2). A collation by Sachs and Wiseman has shown that the text from Sippar (Strassmaier,
loc. cit.) thought to be from the 4th month is correctly to be dated VII/-/acc.
Evidence for End of Reign
VI/14/43 (Sept. 26, 562)
, Uruk (Pohl,
NBRU I 18).
VI/21/43 (Oct. 3,562),
Uruk (unpub. text
NCBT 286, Goetze,
op. cit. p. 44).
VI/26/43 (Oct. 8, 562),
Uruk (Contenau,
TCL XII 58).
The first tablet dated to Amel-Marduk (see below) comes from Sippar( ?) and is dated on the same day as the last tablet of Nebuchadnezzar from Uruk. Accordingly
Nebuchadnezzar died during the first days of October, 562. AMEL- MARDUK
Evidence for Beginning of Reign VI/26/acc. (Oct. 8, 562) , Sippar? (B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of the Reigns of Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar, and Laborosoarchod ["Babylonische Texte" [III] Heft 6 B (Leipzig, 1892)] Evil-Merodach, No.1).
. (Oct. 31, 562), Babylon
(ibid. No.2).
Evidence for End of Reign
V/13/2 (Aug. 3, 560), Babylon (unpub. text
YBC3692, Goetze,
op. cit. p. #).
V/17/2 (Aug. 7, 560)
BE VIII 1, No.34).
Since the first text dated to Nergal-shar-usur was written at Babylon six days after the Clay text, the date of Amel-Marduk's death may be fixed between August 7 and August 13, 560. NERGAL-SHAR-USUR
Evidence for Beginning of Reign
V /23 /acc. (Aug. 13, 560), [Babylon ?] (V AS III 40)
V /27 /acc. (Aug. 17,560),
Uruk (unpub. text
NBC 4584, Goetze,
op. cit. p. 44).
Evidence for End of Reign
112/4 (Apr. 12, 556),
Shahrinu (Evetts,
op. cit., Neriglissar, Nos. 68 and 69). I ? /6/4 (Apr. 16,556), Uruk (unpub. text
YBC 3433, Goetze,
op. cit. p. 44).
Nergal-shar-usur's death occurred in late April or early May, 556.
Evidence for Beginning of Reign
I/23/acc. (May 3, 556)
, Uruk (unpub. text
NBC 4534,
ibid.) II/12/acc. (May 22, 556),
Sippar ? (Evetts,
op. cit., Laborosoarchod, No.2).
Evidence for End of Reign
III/9/acc. (June 17, 556)
(Strassmaier in
Actes du huitieme Congres international des orientalistes, tenu en I889 a Stockholm et a Christiania, 2. partie [Leide, 1893] section semitique [B] at end, No.15)
III/12/acc. (June 20, 556),
Sippar ? (Evetts,
op. cit., Laborosoarchod, No.1).
Labashi-Marduk seems to have been recognized as king only in May and June, 556,
and even then possibly not throughout Babylonia (see under NABUNAID). Berossus
(frag.14) apud Josephus Against Apion i. 20 states that Labashi- Marduk ruled nine ( ' ennea
) months. If Berossus' own manuscript used a numeral instead of the spelled-out number, confusion between
q (9) and ,
B (2) could easily have arisen; hence the original text may have said 2 months.
Evidence for Beginning of Reign
II/15/acc. (May 25, 556)
BE VIII 1, No.39).
III/l/acc. (June 9, 556),
(V AS VI 65; see Kugler,
SSBII 405-8).
III/18/acc. (June 26, 556),
Sippar (Strassmaier,
Nabonidus, No.1).
III/23/acc. (July 1,556)
Uruk (Dougherty,
REN, No. 1).3
III/26/acc. (July 4, 556),
Sippar (Strassmaier,
Nabonidus, No.2).
Nabunaid must have been a contender for the throne almost from the death of Nergal-shar-usur.
By the end of June, 556, he was sole ruler of Babylonia.
Evidence for End of Reign
VI/3/17 to VI/28/17 (Aug. 31 to Sept. 25, 539)
, chiefly from Babylon and Sippar (Strassmaier,
Nabonidus, Nos. 1046-52).
VI/6/17 (Sept. 3, 539)
, Uruk (Contenau,
TCL XII 121; line 19 reads VI/6/18, but in line 1 the date is given as VI/6/17; year 18 is impossible, so we assume either a scribal error or an error by Contenau).*
VI/25/17 (Sept. 22, 539)
(unpub. text
MLC 1011, Goetze,
op. cit. p. 44). VII/4?/17 (Sept. 30,539), Larsa (unpub. text
YBC 7385,
ibid.). VII/8/17 (Oct. 4, 539)
, Uruk (Dougherty,
REN, No.189). VII/17/17 (Oct. 13, 539), Uruk (Dougherty,
GCCI 1390).
The Nabunaid Chronicle (last published by Smith, BHT, pp. 98-123 and Pls. XI-XIV) iii 14-18 states that Sippar fell to Persian forces VII/14/17 (Oct. 10, 539), that Babylon fell VII/16/17 (Oct. 12), and that Cyrus entered Babylon VIII/3/17 (Oct. 29). This fixes the end of Nabunaid's reign and the beginning of the reign of Cyrus.
Interestingly enough, the last tablet dated to Nabunaid from Uruk is dated the day after Babylon fell to Cyrus. News of its capture had not yet reached the southern city some 125 miles distant. Strassmaier ,
Nabonidus, No.1054, has the date VIII/10/17; but the month sign is shaded, and in view of known facts this date cannot be accepted.
--------------- end quotation from Parker and Dubberstein ---------
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (used in Parker and Dubberstein)
A = Chicago. University. Oriental Institute Museum. Asiatic collection. (Followed by registration number.)
AJSL = American journal of Semitic languages and literatures (Chicago etc., 1884-1941).
Assurbanipal = STRECK, MAXIMILIAN. Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Konige bis zum Untergange Nineveh's ("Vorderasiatische Bibliothek" VII [3 vols.; Leipzig, 1916]).
BE = Pennsylvania University. The Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform texts, ed. by H. V. HILPRECHT (Philadelphia, 1893-1914).
BE VIII 1 = CLAY, ALBERT T. Legal and commercial transactions dated in the Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods (1908).
BE IX = HILPRECHT, H. V., and CLAY, ALBERT T. Business documents of Murashu sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Artaxerxes I (1898).
BE X = CLAY, ALBERT T. Business documents of Murashu sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius II (1904).
BHT = SMITH, SIDNEY. Babylonian historical texts relating to the capture and downfall of Babylon (London, 1924).
BM British Museum.
BRLM = Babylonian records in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan, ed. by ALBERT T. CLAY (New York, 1912-).
BRLM I = CLAY, ALBERT T. Babylonian business transactions of the first millennium B.C. (1912).
BRLM II = CLAY, ALBERT T. Legal documents from Erech dated in the Seleucid era (1913).
BRVU = KRUCKMANN, OLUF. Babylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungs- Urkunden aus der Zeit Alexanders und der Diadochen (Weimar, 1931).
Cambyses = STRASSMAIER, J. N. Inschriften von Cambyses, Konig von Babylon ("Babylonische Texte" [V] Heft 8-9 [Leipzig, 1890]).
CT = British Museum. Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets, &c., in the British Museum (London, 1896-).
Cyrus = STRASSMAIER, J. N. Inschriften von Cyrus, Konig von Babylon ("Babylonische Texte" [IV] Heft 7 [Leipzig, 1890]).
Darius = STRASSMAIER, J. N. Inschriften von Darius, Konig von Babylon ("Babylonische Texte" [VI] Heft 10-12 Leipzig, 1897]).
EGAB = SIDERSKY, DAVID. Etude sur la chronologie assyro-babylonienne (Paris, 1916).
GGCI = Goucher College,
Baltimore. Goucher College cuneiform inscriptions (New Haven, 1923- ).
GGGI I = DOUGHERTY, R. P. Archives from Erech, time of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus (1923).
GCCI II = DOUGHERTY, R. P. Archives from Erech, Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods (1933).
JCS = Journal of cuneiform studies (New Haven, 1947-).
JNES = Journal of Near Eastern studies (Chicago, 1942-).
LBART = Late Babylonian astronomical and related texts. Copied by T. G. PINCHES and J. N. STRASSMAIER. prepared for publication by A. J. SACHS with the co-operation of J. SCHAVMBERGER (Brown University Studies, Vol. 18, 1955).
LCE = KEISER, C. E. Letters and contracts from Erech written in the Neo- Babylonian period ("Babylonian inscriptions in the collection of James B. Nies" I [New Haven, 1918]).
MLC = Morgan Library Collection (at Yale).
Nabonidus = STRASSMAIER, J. N. Inschriften von Nabonidus, Konig von Babylon ("Babylonische Texte" [I, Heft 1-4] [Leipzig, 1889]).
Nabuchodonosor = STRASSMAIER, J. N. Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, Konig von Babylon ("Babylonische Texte" [II, Heft 5-6] [Leipzig, 1889]).
NBC = Nies Babylonian Collection (at Yale).
NBD = MOORE, ELLEN W. Neo-Babylonian documents in the University of Michigan collection (Ann Arbor, 1939).
NBLE = CLAY, ALBERT T. Neo-Babylonian letters from Erech ("Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts" III [New Haven, 1919]).
NBRU = POHL, ALFRED. Neubabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus den Berliner Staatlichen Museen (" Analecta Orientalia" VIII-IX [Roma, 1933-34]).
NBRVT = KRUCKMANN, OLUF. Neubabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungs- texte ("Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection of Babylonian Antiquities im Eigentum der Universitat Jena" II/III [Leipzig, 1933]).
NCBT = Newell Collection of Babylonian Tablets (at Yale).
PBS = Pennsylvania. University. University Museum. Publications of the Babylonian section (Philadelphia, .911- ).
PBS II 1 = CLAY, ALBERT T. Business documents of Murashu sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius II (1912).
PSBA = Society of Biblical Archaeology,
London. Proceedings (London, 1878/79-1918).
PTT = CAMERON, GEORGE G. Persepolis treasury tablets ("Oriental Insti- tute Publications" LXV [Chicago, 1948]).
RA = Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale (Paris, 1884-).
RECC = TREMAYNE, ARCH. Records from Erech, time of Cyrus and Cambyses ("Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts" VII [1925]).
REN = DOUGHERTY, R. P. Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus ("Yale oriental series. Babylonian texts" VI [1920]).
SSB = KUGLER, FRANZ X. Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel (2 vols. and 3 supplements; Miinster, 1907-35).
TCL = Paris. Musee national du Louvre. Textes cuneiformes (Paris, 1910--).
TCL IX = CONTENAU, GEORGES. Contrats et lettres d' Assyrie et de Babylonie (1926).
TCL XII-XIII = CONTENAU, GEORGES. Contrats neo-babyloniens. I-II (1927-29).
UCP = California University. Publications in Semitic philology (Berkeley, 1907-).
UCP IX 1 = LUTZ, H. F. Neo-Babylonian administrative documents from Erech (1927).
UET IV = Ur excavations, texts IV. H. H. FIGULLA, Business documents of the New-Babylonian period (1949). Publications of the joint expedition of the British Museum and of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, to Mesopotamia.)
YBC = Yale Babylonian Collection.
VAS = Berlin. Konigliche Museen. Vorderasiatische Abteilung. Vorder- asiatische Schriftdenkmiiler (Leipzig, 1907-17).
ZA = Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete (Leipzig, 1886-).
The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume III, Part 2
, second edition, 1991, pp. 242-243.
"It has been assumed that, since the last contract dated by Nebuchadrezzar’s forty-third regnal year was written at Uruk (8 October 562) and the first to be dated by his son and successor Amel-Marduk was written that same day , Nebuchadrezzar died early in October. However, two contracts dated to the previous August-September by Amel-Marduk could reflect a period of co-regency, while another dated 15/V/43 (29 August 562) but with an unusual formula, ‘the goddess of Uruk, king of Babylon’, if not a scribal error, might mean that Nebuchadrezzar died somewhat earlier, and that a cautious scribe in a time of disturbance following the king’s death waited to see who his successor would be. Later tradition supposed that Amel-Marduk acted as regent during his father’s illness and that there was confusion at the time of a handover to a successor. Any hiatus was of short duration, for the same contract datings show that Amel-Marduk was acknowledged as king in all the major Babylonian cities by mid-October. ... The latest contract dated to Amel-Marduk in Babylon was written on 7 August 560,and within four days other texts recognized Neriglissar as king there, at Uruk, and elsewhere. ... the latest documents dated by him [Neriglissar] were written on April 12 (556) at Babylon and April 16 at Uruk. If he died later that month, that would accord with the Uruk King List ascription of a reign of three years and eight months.
. .. Neriglissar’s chosen heir was Labashi-Marduk, his son. ..The Uruk King List assigns him a period of three months and this agrees with the dated texts of his reign (earliest 23/1 acession year at Uruk and latest 12/III accession year probably at Sippar ), rather than with the nine (possibly read two) months in Berossus’ manuscript.
... By the end of June 556 scribes throughout Babylonia dated their documents by the new monarch [Nabonidus] ."