hey eman
i have ntl cable telephone and tv package so i get my 24hr internet access totally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............
sowith all these extra brits - are we gonna get apostofests all over the uk now then huh ?
whats a-goin' on here?.
i've never seen so many uk posters climbing aboard the 'postasy express.
is there a general tightening up occuring?
hey eman
i have ntl cable telephone and tv package so i get my 24hr internet access totally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............
sowith all these extra brits - are we gonna get apostofests all over the uk now then huh ?
i thought id post this now, because firstly were just coming into that time of year, and secondly the thread started by mulan called confession got into this subject and started me thinking.. i couldve posted this as a reply in that thread, i suppose, but i wanted to discuss it separately.
besides, its been months since i saw my name up there in a thread started by capacity, so i thought it was time.
concerning santa claus, then.. the whole christmas issue is, of course, one of the meanest, most joy-denying, life-diminishing teachings in the whole miserable jw mindset.
hey duncan - spot on ... ahem ... i mean, i'm in full agreement, as the americans say ...
my children are now too old for the santa stories - something i will for ever regret - throughout their lives we were in the watchtower and missed out on all the fun of christmas - wasn't it just the pits travelling to the KH on a terrible night and going past windows filled with the joy of christmas ... sigh ...
we (when we were a we) used the occasion of our wedding anniversary to have a 'present day' - which was christmas without the tree and trimmings - a fantastic day when the children had loadsa presents that we collected for them - goes some way towards making me feel that at least we snuck in pseudo-christmases for them - and nowadays, of course, we do indeed celebrate with trees and lights and stuff
a quick question for you - now that you believe in santa - do you also believe in the anti-santa ?
hmm ... all this freemasonry posting has sent me off on a trail.
found a bit of a spooky site at http://www.newnetizen.com/globalelite/bloodlines/russellbloodline.htm which has page after page about the watchtower and especially c.t.russell.
they reckon he is from a long line of russells who were masons.
that's cool seeker - good to meet you
< http://hardtruth.topcities.com/uspresidentasmasons.htm.
< http://hardtruth.topcities.com/uspresidentasmasons.htm.
a portion from this page:.
hmm ...ok, so if i get this right - sf is heavily into researching mason stuff ... and seeker isn't right ?
hmm ... all this freemasonry posting has sent me off on a trail.
found a bit of a spooky site at http://www.newnetizen.com/globalelite/bloodlines/russellbloodline.htm which has page after page about the watchtower and especially c.t.russell.
they reckon he is from a long line of russells who were masons.
That last post of mine has been bugging me all evening - I regretted it as soon as I pressed ‘send’ - I rarely rise to a prod - and tend to save my sarcasm for a friendly bout of reparté - I’m truly sorry if I offended in return - I would however also ask you to review your posting and see if my fit of pique was maybe a little understandable
I wasn’t suggesting a band of elite here on the board - I haven’t met with anything other than support and kindness - something rarely experienced at the KH - I just got that horrible feeling of being tutted at during the ‘watchtower study’ for making an apparently inane comment
anyhow - this thread was not aimed at the more experienced of you - I found a site which I thought others might enjoy and have a comment on - however my confidence is, like many ex-cultists, easily shattered ...
hmm ... all this freemasonry posting has sent me off on a trail.
found a bit of a spooky site at http://www.newnetizen.com/globalelite/bloodlines/russellbloodline.htm which has page after page about the watchtower and especially c.t.russell.
they reckon he is from a long line of russells who were masons.
seeker, oh great one, i bow to your superior personage - were you ever an elder or maybe even a more elite rank in the society ? i never was so i guess you can see the extent of my faith
your comments remind me of a sister who said to my wife and i, as newbies there too incidently, 'oh you'll soon get fed up of singing 'we're jehovah's witnesses' us that have always been in the truth have been singing it for so long now' ... sorry to muscle in on your elitist sensitivities ...
sincerely, alliwannadoisnotbesoeasilyoffended
hmm ... all this freemasonry posting has sent me off on a trail.
found a bit of a spooky site at http://www.newnetizen.com/globalelite/bloodlines/russellbloodline.htm which has page after page about the watchtower and especially c.t.russell.
they reckon he is from a long line of russells who were masons.
hmm ... all this freemasonry posting has sent me off on a trail
found a bit of a spooky site at http://www.newnetizen.com/globalelite/bloodlines/russellbloodline.htm which has page after page about the watchtower and especially c.t.russell
they reckon he is from a long line of russells who were masons
One interesting point was :
"As with all occult organizations a veil of secrecy is maintained by requiring initiates to take secrecy oaths on penalty of death. As in Witchcraft, Masonry repeatedly demands secrecy oaths at every new level"
i got to wondering about this (commonly called meditating in WT circles don't ya know) and would ask you the question :
given that at baptism, one dedicates and promises to remain loyal to the watchtower society and there is a clear threat of disfellowshipping and thus being in a deathlike state if this is violated ...
does this make 'the truth' an occult organisation ? - as stated above "maintained by requiring initiates to take secrecy oaths on penalty of death" ... ??? ...
just thought i'd let you know.. i'm not sure if i'm going to post it yet , i'll have to think about it.
no problem my friend - i think the 'paranoia' is justified as 'someone somewhere' must be curious of 'customer feedback' even though they have never asked for it - this kind of forum, where they can snoop and scoop unobserved must be a 'god-send' (heh-heh) for them ... please be assured that, even if they focus on you and shun you, we never will :)
just thought i'd let you know.. i'm not sure if i'm going to post it yet , i'll have to think about it.
would posting it identify you sleepy ?
i moved to my current location, a house in a quiet, friendly, family-oriented neighborhood, in july of this year.
i've been here five months.
i'm usually home on saturday mornings and sunday afternoons.
ahh i see you have all missed the new ministry - as the earlier bros pioneered the use of talking movies and the gramophone record player, the new brethren have set themselves up in msn chatrooms and 'get a handle' such as Joachin, pretend to be leading a 'lively bible discussion' and instead, cross-examine and abuse 'innocent' visitors (yes, that was me he was rude to)
what easier and more pleasant way could there be to fill up your monthly report - no going out in the cold or knocking on scummy doors with snotty nosed kids peeking through them - ok so you don't place many magazines, but hey - shove them in the bin and lie about that too ...
so, young comf, does this maybe explain why you haven't been visited yet ?