hey siegswife - it's a wholefood then right ?
JoinedPosts by alliwannadoislive
Marijuana - The Bible's View (New Light)
by jterfehr ingenesis 1:29 new jerusalem bible.
god also said, 'look, to you i give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth, and all the trees with seed bearing fruit; this will be your food.'.
genesis 1:29 king james bible.
New Light ~*~*~Armageddon WAS in 1975 !
by alliwannadoislive iny'know, i was thinking - what if armageddon actually did come in 1975 ... i mean everyone was told to expect it and did so right ?
therefore it's only fitting that we find some way of saying it actually did happen .... is this really any different to changing the understanding of the 1914 armageddon into christ's presence ... ahem ... i mean, we could even say that we had an armageddon in 1914 too, then everyone could be right.
in fact we could have an annual armageddon .... so are we the survivors into the new world ?
y'know, i was thinking - what if armageddon actually DID come in 1975 ... i mean everyone was told to expect it and did so right ? therefore it's only fitting that we find some way of saying it actually did happen ...
is this really any different to changing the understanding of the 1914 armageddon into christ's presence ... ahem ... i mean, we could even say that we had an armageddon in 1914 too, then everyone could be right
in fact we could have an annual armageddon ...
so are we the survivors into the new world ? it feels like a paradise to me !
by You Know inwhen jesus was on earth the devil approached him quoting scripture in order to tempt and entrap him.
it is no wonder then that the apostate angel would be behind the effort to use the scriptures against jehovahs people today in order to mislead them.
one of the most cunning and effective uses of scripture against us by satans agents is the charge that we are false prophets.
isn't this question like the all-time-thigh-slapping favourite "is the pope a catholic?" ...
where have all the JWs gone
by badboy ini remember the days when the jws came round practically every weeek, nowadays you can go months without seeing a jw.. what has happened that they don't came round so often?
hey Pathofthorns - you wanna tell him ?
Practice of JW concerning Facial Hair
by Reborn2002 inim relatively new to the board, but i wanted other people's opinions.. growing up in "the organization" i pretty much blindly adhered to all instruction as a teenager.. as i got a little older, as most here im sure, i began to see how some practices were imposed on the flock without any biblical backing.. one that bugged the living hell out of me was the restriction of being allowed to grow facial hair.. i was literally removed from carrying the mics and reading at bookstudy because my sideburns were too long and i wanted to grow a goatee, hence i often showed up with stubble.
i was taken to the back room and told i was being "too worldly.
" when i questioned the elders why it was unallowed by the society and that i wanted scriptural evidence and backing for their imposed regulations, i was scoffed at and told i should do as i am told.. i told them where they could stick their "priviledges" .
farkel - is it really just greek women that have facial hair ?
where have all the JWs gone
by badboy ini remember the days when the jws came round practically every weeek, nowadays you can go months without seeing a jw.. what has happened that they don't came round so often?
every week ? where do you live bad ? next to the ridgeway ?
the only time i ever had weekly visits was when i had the book study around here ... heehee ...
For a religion that preaches high family values!
by jenrick335 inwell i guess i am not the only one.
here is my story.
i dont know where to begin.
jen ... welcome to here ! ...
'hate what is bad' - the real focus for our distaste is the 'Borg-anisation' and the cruel and inhumane hold they have over so many well-intentioned people ...
i hope you find this the place to see you through any tough times and to share the delight of being free ...
The REAL reason subscriptions have stopped!
by LDH ini know there's a million more out there, so post 'em!.
whilst speaking with pops last night, i asked how he felt about not getting his subscription any more.
he was trying his best to be chipper about it.
nooooooo farkel - it's not just saving 25cents - it's 25cents x a zillion ...
if you subscribe, then you may never see a dub ever again ... if you have no choice but to accept a hand delivery (ooh err), then there's a scary chance every 2 weeks (and the occasional 3 weeks) that you'll have to face a dub at the door ... "i was wondering what you thought about that article i pointed out last time ... you know, about destroying your complete cd collection because it's satanic" ... gnash ... gnash ...
Help! First X-mas Party
by TweetieBird inwe've been invited to a christmas party monday night and i'm not sure what the protocol is.
are we suppose to take a gift, bottle of wine, etc?.
the guy thinks we are still witnesses, he said he still wants us to come, even though we don't celebrate it.
tweet - you're sure this isn't a tupperware party - very popular with jw ladies i believe ...
Gleaning work now, not harvest
by eby inthe public talk speaker today said that some countries like the us are no longer in the harvest work but are now in the gleaning work.
sounds like a creative way to rationalize the lack of increase.. eby
is this because the harvest crop has been stored in a barn built on land without foundation ?