I just can not think rationally anymore, my family's issues are that of my partner being a jw and that alone, their issues are that if I go ahead, then they want nothing to do with our children should they come in time or anything to do with my prospective partner. I no they no best and are just doing what they feel is right but I really feel that she is the one for me despite what problem's the future may hold. My partner knows my view's and that I wont swop over to her belief's, the children issue is still debatable between us though.
I guess the fact that we got engaged which they didnt have a problem with and then said a few day's later that we were thinking about getting married abroad the end of the month, kind of does seem like a rush, trouble is she is of the cant wait, wont wait frame of mind. Still If It's meant to be then six months,1-2 year's down the road and If we are still together then it will happen.
I was in exactly the same situation just after I met her, but I pushed on and saw further than the stereotypical view of jw's. I guess if we make it through this then people may another side to my partner, however that's going to take a lot of time though.
I hope it will work, but not at the cost of losing my family, If only my partner was not so stubborn over thing's and I had not given in so easily then I wouldnt be in this proverbial pile that Im in now and her beliefs would not have been such an issue with others, with a bit of luck and a good talk, then hopefully she may see just what Im facing losing, trouble is though because her family life has never been settled, my gf's view's are way different and just tell's me to make a stand which is what I have done, I just never expected such a reaction from other people though.
I just have not been able to think straight the last few day's, being pulled from one side to the other, so I know Its a coward's way out but Ive put my self into a self imposed exile and disappeared for a few day's from everyone, not the way thing's should be handled I now, but things are just getting on top of me to the point that I don't no anymore, had I not done this then thing's would have pushed me over the edge. I hope I can see thing's a bit more clearly in the next day or so.