There is way too many good points for me to have the time to try and argue with right now. As much fun as it is.. I really love this. It gets my mind working and challenges me. My point was harsh and blunt as thats my personality. If I hurt anyones feelings I really do apologize. I was so angered that people can be so easily duped into believing something they themselves haven't fully checked out. That I posted angrily and did the exact thing I was bitching about ;o). By the same token I still feel the same. If your not careful you can end up just as wrapped up fighting the thing you so admantly tried to be free of, that your no longer free.
I think they truly believe that they are right. I think they truly believed they were trying to help me and save my life. I don't resent them for caring. I suppose I was blessed with a questioning mind. I don't take anything for face value and everyday I appreciate that fact more and more. But just as I made the mistake in generalizing the populous of this board with my statements, don't generalize because I was only 16 that I did not see some of the contradiction and misguided information. Why else would I have left?
Like I said I am running short on time. But I really do appreciate the opposing views and the analytical disection of my statements. I would very gladly accept a few links to articles I can use in my paper if you so desire.
And just for you I removed the sig. But I still think it was rather humorous and creative. ;o)
Best Wishes