JoinedI was raised as a JW from the time I was 7 by my mom. I ended up marrying ?out of the Truth?, had a baby, and divorced. (I learned that no matter what faith you are NEVER marry outside of your faith! You don?t get no sympathy!!!) I was in my late 20?s when I finally listened to God calling me. I had asked about the scripture in Isaiah that states Jehovah will not do anything without first telling His servants the prophets, and if the Governing Body were His servants than how could we not be forewarned about the coming of the Great Day of Armageddon? I was told I shouldn?t be reading the Bible without using the study aids FIRST, I should never EVER question the GB, and that apparently I needed some shepherding. I then asked why, after being raised to question the scriptures to better understand them and raised that the Bible was the Word of God and not the study aids, that this was no longer the case. I was then told policy changes and I must stop questioning the way things were because it was a sin against Jehovah. When pushed to schedule a shepherding call I told the elder that it wouldn?t be necessary, that I was never coming back. It was that simple for me. I have been raising my daughter in a non-denominational church now for several years, my mom's no longer a JW and my dad has finally come to Christ and is baptized. Life isn't easy, but I always remember - God is good!!!!