Well, I don't really know how to begin. I don't owe anyone an explaination for what it is that I write but I appreciate the fact that you actually read what I wrote, you feel it was well-written, you decided to compliment me on it, and offer your criticism and insight. It beats the hell out people who will slam what you write without reading it first. You must understand, I am just now coming to grips with the fact that what happened to me (raised in Jw's, getting df'd, losing my family, waking from the Matrix, etc.) is just now really sinking in. I was not aware I was in a cult. I was not aware that these things are not that very far removed from the worlds of Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite and others. I have had alot of trouble calling a spade a spade and the JW's, I now see, are a cult. I am a "cult survivor." Those people that pitied me for not being able to celbrate holidays, I used to pity them. I used to think I was an enlightened one and they were misguided. In retrospect, they may not have known the truth anymore than I did, and realizing that the bottom had fallen out of a belief system that I held for 20+ years is daunting. I used the word diatribe, admittedly, without knowing it's exact definition. But I looked it up and it fits well with what I was feeling. Websters defines it : "A bitter and abusive criticism or denunciation." Denunciation, censure, blame, accusation. These are highly negative feelings, and in the case of JW's , blame is not very satisfying. As was said somewhere on this site, the organization rolls on without you. And that would be ok, if not for the fact that there are some great people that I care about still being dragged along under the wheels. These people, those ones with a certain intelligence that for some reason remain blinded by the doctrine, they grease the wheels of what I called the "facism machine." I have 2 brothers and a sister that are among these people. It pains me to see the potential my life posseses now, free from mind control, that would also be available to them provided they wake up. Of course, in the end, if that is their faith and it works for them, who am I to say anything? But that is what is so god-pounding frustrating about it all. The idea that there is nothing you can do. I struggle with feelings of innadequacy and unworthiness alot. I've gotten better at dealing with it. But it still comes up pretty often and most recently when I think of things like this. I am an idealist by nature, if you can believe that. And I asked a friend of mine one time which would she rather have? A man who uses the system that's in place to his advantage or one who is out to change the system? How would you answer that? I am the type that would try to change the system. And I know that in the end my little words on here, this little diatribe may not mean much, but for those of us who find it a little more difficult to "cut our losses" and walk away, what will it take to change the system? Can one person do it? Facts and figures and testimony of abuse both physical and mental are one thing, but alot of times they sound almost clinical. What about some fire? What about some emotion? To me, emotion is what seperates us from animals and all these inanimate things that stand by and watch life happen around them. Emotion is the difference between existence and living. I appreciate you not wanting to dwell on negative things, and if it truly pains you to see someone you may consider talented "waste" their gift with words of hatred then perhaps you should not read my posts. I would prefer it not be that way because I love to hear other people's input. Why else would I be posting here? The fact is, as I said before, if my words can help someone or spur them to make a decision they were riding the fence on, that's an incredible feeling. I also like to show people that you don't have to be mindless when you denounce. It can be done with some tact (sorry for using the S words in my original posts.) I don't know, I guess I just continue to welcome your input even if it doesn't agree with mine.