Well, truthfuly most would not stop I think unless there was a Watchtower in the window, which is a good way to get help from a Witness, other wise most will not stop. If you have a beard forget it. (If you hold up a cheese danish you may get results.)
JoinedPosts by PinTail
This is how a true Christian would act:
by SirNose586 inso i'm getting out of class and on my way home.
school is a good 10-13 miles away from home in another community.
i'm on the main drag heading to the freeway, when suddenly i hear this thumping sound in the back.
Christmas VS. Jehovah's Witnesses Dolls, Figurines!
by Sarah Smiles inraised as one of jehovah's witness i was taught that christmas was pagan!
one reason was the miss use of false images of jesus and mary.
the catholic church members bowed down to the image of mary and jesus.
I love Christmas always have from the time I was a kid, even if being a Witness would not let me have a tree, but now I can, neener neener.
Chocolate mayonnaise would be a splendid addition to my diet, this is what I am going to invent tomorow.
It's official (family-wise) I am an apostate
by RisingEagle ini was having lunch last week with my mom and she dropped the a-word on me.
my mom started off the lunch speaking about what a disappointment i was to her that my wife and i had put our little girl into a christian private school.
i posted on an earlier thread that my wife and i now have a 6 year old beautiful little girl that we're adopting.
Keep loving your mom by keeping in contact with her for as long as she will let you. Remember the scripture to love your mother and father that it may go well with you, and may endure a long time upon the earth," Jehovah will bless you greatly, for always remembering your mother and father by granting you peace with them some how.
Was Pastor Russell a Freemason, really?
by PinTail inwas pastor russell a freemason?.
by having clearly and plainly discouraged membership in freemasonry, it should be clear that pastor russell was not, nor ever was, associated with the free masons.
those who have accused him have done so with the hope that it will somehow show pastor russell had occult connections, and as a result would invalidate everything he taught.
Was Pastor Russell a Freemason?
By having clearly and plainly discouraged membership in Freemasonry, it should be clear that Pastor Russell was not, nor ever was, associated with the Free Masons.
Those who have accused him have done so with the hope that it will somehow show Pastor Russell had occult connections, and as a result would invalidate everything he taught. While it is true that even Pastor Russell himself printed a letter in The Watch Tower which expressed the idea that Masons participate in occult activity, the truth of the matter is quite to the contrary.
Ever since the 18th and 19th centuries, the Papacy has condemned the Masons, and every other organization that it could not get its hands into. Is there something more to their condemnations than mere words? It would appear so. History scholars have shown that the Masonic Order is a covert political organization formed with the goal of destroying the influence of Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. If that is true, then the Free Masons are the antithesis of the Roman Catholic Jesuits who are also a covert political entity formed with the intent of destroying Protestantism.
In 18th century France, Masons were openly acknowledged to have been the instigators of the Revolution which ultimately lead to the Papacy's overthrow, and the death of the "Holy Roman Empire." Having succeeded in those measures, the Masonic movement throughout America began to deal with the government to try and prevent Catholics from entering our great land. (most of the "Founding Fathers" were Masons) Unable to accomplish this, Masons in the United States went underground. The Papacy took advantage of that, and began to circulate the idea that Masons worshipped the Devil. Because Masons represent a secret Society, and because their efforts could not be publicly known, not only could they not reply to such claims, but it was in their best interest to allow this slander to be believed.
Evangelical and "Charismatic" Protestants, who have consistently followed the lead of Catholicism for over a century, have continued to spread the false and unsubstantiated rumor that Masons are devil worshippers. Masonic activities seem to have quieted down, as it has become more evident over the decades that true Protestantism has practically perished from the Earth. Very few Christians actually "Protest" anything against the "Mother Church" anymore.
With all this in mind, it becomes easy to see why Bible Students and Pastor Russell could conceivably be harmed by making false claims. It has been published that because many Bible Students rent Masonic Lodges in which to meet, that this is proof Bible Students (and as a result Pastor Russell) are involved in Satanic, and occult activities. Such claims are false. To make such claims is no more logical than to say that Bible Students who meet in Schools are secretly teachers, or those who meet in YMCA's are secretly Athletic Directors. Some Bible Student congregations have rented Masonic Halls for conventions and other services simply because they are conviently located, and are inexpensive. Bible Students have at times rented or used baptismal pools in local churches, but this would not prove they are part of that church. It only takes a little logic and reason to plainly see the truth.
Neither Pastor Russell, nor Bible Students have any connection with the Masonic movement. Bible Students are one of the very few Protestant groups who still teach that the Papacy and Catholicism represent the Biblical antichrist. Just because Mason's believe the same does not prove a linkage as many in the Anglican Church believe the same thing.
"But," some may say, "did not Pastor Russell use symbols from Freemasonry and the Knights Templar, not to mention an Egyptian sun-disk on his literature?" Let's consider these points, and clear this up once and for all:
Beginning with the issue of January 1st, 1895 there appeared on the cover of The Watch Tower both a Cross and Crown symbol, along with the symbol of a knights helmet. The Cross and Crown was an adaptation of a long used Roman Catholic symbol. The scripture says "if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him," and "he who would be my follower must take up his cross daily and follow me". The combined thought of suffering and eventually receiving "the crown of life" are what is symbolized in the Cross and Crown. However, an additional element was added to the symbol: the palm leaves encircling it on the outside. The scriptures indicate that the palms represent our "victory". The use of this symbol no more proves Pastor Russell to support the occult than it would prove that he was a Roman Catholic!
As for the knights helmet, critics fail to notice that behind the helmet are a sword, a shepherds staff, and an axe. This in fact is neither a Masonic nor Knight's Templar symbol. This image was independently derived from concepts found in the Scriptures that we are to put on the "helmet of salvation; the sword of the spirit", "his rod and staff comfort me", and "all who walk rightly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." The life and struggle of the faithful Christian is represented in this symbol, not some secret allegiance to a man-made organization which the scriptures say we should not have anyway.
For over twenty-years a lamp emblem appeared on the spine of the "Millennial Dawn" series. (later renamed "Studies in the Scriptures"). As of 1911 the
lamp was replaced by a winged "solar-disk" on the front cover. For some reason, this seems to be one of the most significant issues to critics. In harping on the use of this symbol and claiming that it is of the occult critics believe they therewith have solid proof of Pastor Russell's occult connections, and therefore invalidate all of his life and study in one fell swoop. What is the truth about this symbol? Why was it used, and what does it mean? Though Egyptians did incorporate this symbol into their culture, it actually pre-dates them by several centuries, putting its creation and use very close to the time after the Great Flood. The symbol has also been found in the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Asia, South America, and even Australia. In fact, archaeologists recognize its origin as coming from two different types of earthly observations. Firstly, during a full solar eclipse when the sun is totally covered by the moon, there appear for a split second "streamers" or "wings" on either side of the sun. In our day they are called "coronal streamers". From these observations the ancients developed a winged solar-disk. The symbolism represented the domination of the light over darkness. Eventually, the symbol also came to represent the concept of that which was dead being restored to life. (For images of eclipses, and suns with wings, click here ) Secondly, at the dawn of the day, when the sun first emerges on the horizon, there is a split second when it appears to have "streamers" or "wings" on either side. Of course, the sun also seems to display 'beams' when it is in the sky. From these observations we have the basis for the messianic prophecy found in Malachi 4:2 (or Malachi 3:20 in the Hebrew Nevi'im) "The SUN of righteousness shall ARISE with healing in his WINGS." Thus, we see that a winged solar-disk is used in the Old Testament Jewish scriptures, and tied to the emergence of Christ's millennial Kingdom.
So why did this symbol appear on the covers of "Studies in the Scriptures"? It was a common symbol, appearing as a decoration on many things in the early-mid 20th century. (even Chrysler automobiles and Harley-Davidson motorcyles still today!) But, that's not why Pastor Russell chose it. He used it for the same reason he had previously used the lamp symbol: the light of Bible truth was again shining brightly for the first time in over 1,500 years! By 1908 Pastor Russell's writings were amongst the most distributed on earth, and it was clear that the errors of the DARK Ages were being overcome by the LIGHT of truth. Additionally, Pastor Russell believed that Christ had returned invisibly, and that therefore the Malachi prophecy was literally being fulfilled, that the SUN of righteousness was already RISING, that the dawn of the Millennial thousand-year day had begun, that God's Kingdom was emerging in its incipient stages. There is no mystery, or hidden meaning implied in it's usage. It was a proclamation to the world that Christ has returned, and his Kingdom is finally now being set up to bless all the families of the earth.
Pastor Russell was once asked about the illustration appearing on the cover of The Watch Tower and gave the following answer, with a bit of his classic wit:
"(1910)—2—What do the three crosses on the tower of the Watch Tower cover signify?
"I never thought of that. They are simply made there by the artist to represent windows. I drew the original sketch in a rough way, and he followed the idea, and it merely represents the cross for a window instead of being some other shape. The three has nothing to do with it,—it does not prove the trinity." ("The Question Book", pg. 198)
Once we begin to think for ourselves, and not allow others with an axe to grind to rule over us and tell us what to think, it becomes easier to see the truth.
©2001, Pastor-Russell.com
Who do JWs believe will be resurrected?
by M.J. ini've heard opinions on the matter ranging from the vast majority of humanity who is dead before the big a, to the viewpoint that there will be a very selective and exclusive resurrection.
what is the current wts teaching on the matter?
is it only small number of of people who directly and "actively opposed jehovah", thus committing the "unforgivable sin" who will not be resurrected?
It is such a sad situation that is created, when the GB of Jehovah's Witness's attempts to speak for Jehovah and Christ Jesus in regards to the resurrection and who will be resurrected.
The pain and great confusion and hurt that it causes in the minds and hearts of individuals who want to place all" their trust in the god of the bible and his promise that Christ's sacrifice has true redemptive powers, that will create the basis in the near future for Jehovah through his son Christ Jesus to happily" raise up ALL mankind who has ever lived and died, this includes Adam and Eve, for Christ died once for ALL mankind, he is our redeemer (one who buys back), he has bought back what Adam had lost namely the right to life, Christ has taken his place and even redeemed Adam. No where does the bible say that Adam will not be resurrected by means of Christ ransom! It is only Jehovah's Witness's theology that insists that Adam does not fall under the protective and redemptive power of Christ's dear blood provided by Jehovah himself, Jehovah loved Adam so much that he even provided skins for both him and mother Eve,) remember "Jehovah so loved the world of mankind that he gave his only begotten son in order that everyone exercising faith in him will not die everlastingly.
To know and understand Jehovah is love him.
Why is Talking to a Witness so Hard?
by Perry inhere's my take for one of the reasons: jw's perceive anyone who asks the wrong questions as a hater of jehovah and a persecuter.
they think jesus had them in mind here: .
john 17: 14. i have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as i am not of the world.
On reason is that they have so many rules to be a witness's, and this maks most of them anyway lost souls as far as reasoning one on on.
Charles Taze Russell was right!!!
by whereami inaccording to this article, http://www.sullivan-county.com/id2/apoc.htm interesting read.
fundamentalist christians take a hard line on setting dates for the second advent of christ.
but that didn't happen in 1914. as of 2004 it still hasn't happened.
I am a member of Associated Bible Students, I live in an area where there is not any in my immediate area, but none the less I am a member. I derived great satisfaction out of reading your post about brother Russell and his efforts in the beginning of the end of the gentile times. It was the Lords dew time for the sacred secret (namely how he would end death, and resurrect everyone who has ever lived) to become known to mankind, and he used the Bible Students as they were called at that time.
I was once a Jehovah's Witness, but now I proudly acknowledge my association with the Associated Bible Students," with the Bible Students there is not efforts to control the brothers and sisters conscious and damage them, rather it is left intact as it should be so it can be motivated by heart felt expressions rather than fear of man with his man made rules.
The witness's make wild assertions and ear mark groups or individuals placing them in a category that will not be resurrected, this I find repugnant as well unchristian unloving and ultimately unwise from Jehovah and Christ Jesus's point of view.
Anyway I am keeping your wonderful information on brother Russell.
Is there one true religion?
by angeleyes71 inhello all.
my wonderful, never- a -witness -husband, would like to know, who thinks there is one true religion, and why?
Why wouldn't there be?
Unless god likes confusion and bickering, I don't feel god has a one religion that is absolutely perfect in word and deed and in all other respects. But it would be loving to its members and make room for reasonable use of our god given conscious. The End
Is The Watchtower Society Too Controlling of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by IsaacJS2 ini'm back, finally...more or less.
my computer died like 5 weeks ago and i'm still having problems even after rebuilding it twice.
if you've stopped in to check out my web site (www.atheistgeeknews.com) and noticed it was dead, it's because i haven't been able to get online much.
JK666 you took the words right out of my mouth, dude.