Its that newish one on Jehovah.. "Jehovah, A God Who Cares" ?? I think that's the title. I know because they've been after me to come back lately...stopping by my business and bringing me WTs, inviting me to meetings, etc. I don't want to tell these guys I'm not coming back because they were sent by the 'brother' who owns the music store where I take lessons. I have so much fun there (my teacher is not a Witness) and it will be awkward when the 'brother' finds out I'm Unitarian now, and refuses to speak to me anymore. I don't hate him or any witness, and its a lot of fun when he brings out his guitar and we all sing and have little jams. I've been able to avoid the subject up til recently, when he started asking me about my meeting attendance and stuff (he is an elder, different cong than the one I attended). Now he's sicced my elders on me...*sigh* I suppose it will all come out. My only consolation is how bad it will make the witnesses look to the non- witnesses there when he won't talk to me, and I explain why!
JoinedPosts by buddhatarian
What is the next Book Study Book?
by codeblue inok...just noticing the worship the only true god book will end the week of march 8th...what is the next book to be studied?
i would appreciate your help in this matter!
The worst rule? There were plenty! But I think the worst was that I, as a woman, had to be in subjection. Not so much to my (now ex) husband because he never insisted on it, but after I became single I got criticized by other sisters because I didn't turn to the elders to help me make decisions. As if I can't make decisions about my own life! Why would some man who wasn't as smart as me be better equipped to run my life? I'm not bashin' all you guys, but the elders in my cong. were not the brainy types. Besides, I gave great talks on the school, and wanted to be able to give regular public talks. i had a talent for it, and it was stupid that I couldn't use it. I didn't care about being an elder; too much responsibility, but giving talks would have been fun!
I also hated the door to door ministry. I was a singlet, so I'd always get stuck in a car with a family with bickering kids. Anybody else out there ever get stuck that way? When I think of the beautiful Sundays I've wasted getting a headache in the back of a van! Thank God I never, never have to go out in field service again! Sometimes I pass the KH and can't help but smile. Its like knowing you never have to go to school again on graduation day!
PS: Aren't holidays fun now too? Not only do you get to celebrate with the rest of the world, you have that delightful sense of doing something wicked...
Torn between worlds - How do you manage to co-exist?
by truthseeker inlike many doubting witnesses, i am in (physically) and out (mentally).. .
i have family in (physically) and i have family out (mentally).. some of my family are out (physically) but are somewhat still in (mentally) due to the mind control.. how do i deal with it?
i don't know - some days go by and i just get on with life.
Hi Y'all,
The fact that I'm even interested in these websites shows I must still have a little connection to the Witnesses. I think I have an ironic story; I was out early one morning doing park witnessing when I met my current boyfriend. That was 7 years ago...I was getting a divorce because my husband was unfaithful, and I had started questioning the Truth at that time. This guy was really into critical analysis of the scriptures( I mean that in the scholarly sense of critical). I decided to really start reading the Bible carefully to refute the things this guy was saying. Alas, I studied myself right out of the Truth! When I actually sat down and began to *read* the Bible, I could see the elements of mythology, the inconsistencies, etc.
It took me a good 3 years to actually leave the Witnesses though, for the same reason many of you site; all my friends were there. So I had a boyfriend no one knew about,that I had met out in service!, and still gave talks (sister talks) and went out in service and all. I finally had to go though. I always have felt grateful to the Witnesses because I was 17 when I got baptized and had no family in the Truth til I got married, so I think they protected me from a lot of the bad things kids get involved in. But eventually you have to become an adult and make decisions for yourself. Leaving the witnesses is like leaving your parents' home.
Now I attend the Unitarian church,though I practice Buddhism (hence the name). I love the freedom of intellectual discussion we can have there! When you finally leave, its like the whole world opens at your feet. I hope you fly and don't just fall off the cliff. so many ex witnesses seem to turn to destructive behavior because they are so excited by the freedom.. Please use your head and remember that you can still be a moral, spiritual person all on your own, without Jehovah looking over your shoulder telling you what to do.
be bold!