I don't recall this specific movie being mentioned, however, i do remember as a teen hearing in talks at the hall how bad the songs 'bridge over troubled water' and 'my way' were. The first apparently is about drugs (thanks for telling me, now that I know I need to smoke something) and the last because of an independent attitude (definitely a big sin, cuz, doncha know you might think for yourself and use your God-given brain and leave this ridiculous meeting).
The other thing I remember, and its kinda funny now that I'm in hardcore fade I've been remembering little snippets of 'the light getting brighter and brighter' for myself when I was really a 'good jw' ( is there such a thing?). Anyway, the other thing was a pt discussing things associated with spiritism and a huge long list was read out with stuff like horoscopes etc and black holes were mentioned???? My little science-interested mind went screeeeeech, WHAT, did I hear that right? What hokey, but wait a minute, maybe there's something to it, oooohhhh, fear, fear, I better be careful, the bros must know something I don't. The list sure seemed like it was part of the outline, and since I have most of them, I should look for it and see if its been 'updated' or still the old way. I'm sure they got rid of it now since black holes have been commonly mentioned in Awake for years.
I think the Police were on the 'bad' list because Sting related having some song ideas or lyrics come from his dreams, and don't forget the one album title 'Ghost in the Machine' - baaaad, baaaaaad.