Voyager....great me thinking about this subject....beyond Serena's disrespect whether she realized it or not. I read the 'rules of the flag' as well and they make sense from a certain standpoint.
In a simplistic explanation, people come together over time for various reasons and form a country to pool resources leading to a form of security and self-preservation for that group. A flag representing the ideals and goals of that country is an important symbol that unites people to the cause including protecting freedom (in the USA, liberty) and feeding the homeless, hungry, sick, of that country and others.
Thus, Utopian Reformist is either ignorant, yanking us, or a jerk-off (insert additional choices here).
I was a dub for a long time and even I somehow knew that respect for a revered symbol would include NOT laying it on the ground nor sitting on it. Would you put your grandma's heirloom prize-winning quilt on the dirt and sit on it??? I doubt it and virtually everyone should know even a dumb dub that the flags are important and revered national symbols of pride that wars are even fought over.
Voyager, nice thread but your last post above sounds like a lot of whining ass-kissing. Utopian Reformist is allowed as much as anyone a valid, however stupid I might think it, viewpoint on a public db eh : ) If you think he 'trashed' your thread, omg, you haven't been around much....that was very tame
boa....gonna go find the canuck flag rules now....