Hi Everyone,
Perhaps this post was missed on a heavy posting day.
I look forward to your feedback and views.
i have seen witnesses make a big deal over attending a dedication ceremony at a new kingdom hall, assembly hall or bethel branch.
i have attended a few myself.
as a witness, i had always understood that this ceremony is to dedicate the building's use to the worship of jehovah by 'true christians'.
Hi Everyone,
Perhaps this post was missed on a heavy posting day.
I look forward to your feedback and views.
i have seen witnesses make a big deal over attending a dedication ceremony at a new kingdom hall, assembly hall or bethel branch.
i have attended a few myself.
as a witness, i had always understood that this ceremony is to dedicate the building's use to the worship of jehovah by 'true christians'.
Hi All,
I have seen Witnesses make a big deal over attending a Dedication ceremony at a new Kingdom Hall, Assembly Hall or Bethel Branch. I have attended a few myself. As a witness, I had always understood that this ceremony is to dedicate the building's use to the worship of Jehovah by 'True Christians'. This Dedication is in effect, a gift and promise to Jehovah. Perhaps my understanding of the Dedication is incorrect.
It is becoming a frequent occurrence that WT & JW buildings are being sold, to be used for other purposes. It seems not much consideration is given to its dedicated purpose as often, buildings are being sold to other religions to be used as a place of worship. Since all religion other than JW's is considered false religion, doesn't such use go against the dedication of the building to Jehovah?
Does the building's Dedication have no meaning whatsoever?
JW's might say that they have outgrown the building or it no longer meets their needs and that it's just a building with no 'Holy' status. Although I agree that bricks, wood and glass has little importance, it's the Dedication ceremony that has significance as in effect, it transferred ownership to God as God's house. What right then does any man have to sell the property? Is Dedication considered conditional?
When you or I learned new information showing the WT is not God's organization and the teachings are not the 'Truth" (the JW religion no longer meets our needs), if we stop attending or pursue other interests, we are punished for going against our Baptism (outward show of Dedication to God). It is held against us for not keeping our promise to God as we're expected to forever follow WT dictates as God's commands, no matter what we learn or believe.
Has anyone else considered this? What are your thoughts?
Does anyone find it ironic that a JW, past or present, who may have participated in building a Kingdom Hall, might be taken to task over only being seen entering it or for providing a service to it (ie: repairing the roof, exterior painting, grounds keeping) if the same building's use is a house of worship by anyone other than JW's?
can anyone please give me some basic tips on how to post pictures on here ????.
another thing thats driving me mad is not being able to figure out how to quote in a box???.
loz x.
Can anyone please give me some basic tips on how to post pictures on here ????
I believe to post photos, you need to host the photo on a photo hosting site and then paste the link to the photo within your posting on this site.
Another thing thats driving me mad is not being able to figure out how to quote in a box???
Highlight the words, sentence, paragraph, etc that you want to show as quoted, right mouse click COPY. This copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
In your 'Post a reply ...' box below, click on the spot where you want the quote to be placed and then drop down the Drop Down menu box that normally says <Styles> to show <Quote>. Click this and a quote box will be inserted into which you can right click > paste the text you previously copied to the clipboard.
a man has 2 children.
he tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday.
what is the probability the other is a boy to?.
Bohm asked:
A man has 2 children. He tells you one is a boy born on a tuesday. What is the probability the other is a boy to?
The answer is zero probability (less than half).
The riddle states ONE is a boy, therefore the other child is a girl. The day of the week is irrelevant and stated only to throw you off.
What do I win??
as ridiculous as it seems to me and most of you, the infamous 'generation' update has every jw that i know in a tizzy.
they're all worked up about how 'exciting' it all is.
i just received a letter from my mom (she only communicates through letters now), and she brought it up - how they carefully explained it at the convention, and how it shows that we are so close to the end.. unbelievable.
Gayle said: ... receiving of this inheritance would be in my children's lifetime, because their generation 'overlaps' with my generation.
I guess if you had children when you were quite young, and they had children when they were young, and their children had children when they were young, you potentially could be alive to be a Great Grandmother.
It appears under the New Light definition, since the start of each subsequent life span overlaps yours, your Great Grandchildren would be of your generation.
Forget about you, your children or their children receiving that inheritance.
does anyone else have the same problem.
when i'm alone, i am constantly thinking about all the clever things i'm going to say if visited by the elders, but when i actually get confronted, these things never come to mind, and i keep spitting out drivel like some dumb idiot.
after they leave, i rethink the conversation, and i'm furious over all the oppotunities i've missed to put them in their place.......damn it!!!!!
I believe that it's easy to become flustered, if you believe you have something to loose.
JWinprotest said: ... I don't want to say anything incriminating. I have a tendency of going off when I get worked up. So I'm a bit handicapped that way.
I think that wanting to remain in a somewhat friendly relationship (ie: not Disfellowshipped) with the elders and members of your family, places an extra burden on you in watching what you say. If you didn't care about maintaining relationships and didn't have anything to loose (or didn't care), it would be easier to not be P-C and say anything you want without mincing words.
Some questions to consider:
What do you expect to gain by saying some 'cleaver things'? (Your words from initial post)
What will be the result if you say little and don't argue or say 'clever things'?
As a JW-in-protest, do you expect that there will be change in the WT Organization or the thinking of JWs as a result of your protesting?
It's been often said on here: The best Revenge is living well and having a good and happy life. (or similar)
i just submitted my manuscript for armageddons disciple to comfort publishing.
apparently, it will take them two-three months to get back to me.
if any of you want to offer up thoughts/prayers/incense/candles/sacrificial chickens/bribes/sexual favors whatever on my behalf id appreciate it.
You could look into publishing your book yourself. With computers and the internet, you don't have to jump through hoops to be accepted by a publisher, just as music artists no longer need record labels to produce, package and distribute their music.
Here's a great place to get started: http://www.lulu.com/
Check-out the Lulu Demo video for a review of how it works.
circuit overseer visit(cov) supposed to happen once every 6 months may actually be as frequent as once every 3months.
Has this already started occurring? Is this frequent visitation primarily limited to your congregation or also all others in the circuit?
If primarily your congregation, I'd suspect that there is some major 'situation' in your congregation, requiring the Circuit Manager's frequent attention. This may be a matter that you're not privy to.
i consider myself an intelligent woman...maybe not strong on the 'common sense' front, but academically i've done pretty well...so...how on earth did i not see through it all when i was studying in the beginning???.
i remember worrying about their 'sales pitching' styles and their arrogance of believing they had the 'truth' ...but still i got involved and became totally immersed in it all.
i feel like i sacrificied our whole family to them, who now shun me.. yesterday, my new son in law, he's a lawyer, asked me how i could have believed it wasnt a cult (topical word this week here) he said he didnt understand how i could have been persuaded to believe it all and trust them with so much and for so many years...... i feel ashamed of myself that i did and that i brought all this upon our family...anyone else relate?.
Witnesses also often target people who are undergoing a major life changing circumstance (critical illness, death in family, new baby, etc) as this can bring out the emotional aspects of a person who would normally be considered analytical, sceptical, resistant or unemotional. These circumstances often cause people to question the meaning of life or look for ways to a better future for their new child, opening the door for anyone providing somewhat logical answers to their concerns.
Some years ago, 'The Society' had been promoting witnesses to push their 'Studies' to become baptised within 6 months of association. I think that this is no longer promoted as much as I believe it's not as successful as converting over a longer term.
I believe people are less resistive to new ideas with the ideas more easily adopted if they are presented gradually and repeatedly over an extended time. How many new converts would have converted if everything they needed to know about becoming a JW was made known to them all at once?
With new ideas gradually presented over an extended time, the 'Study' will probably not even realize that they're being conditioned to think and act differently whereas if information was presented all at once, not only would it be too much to absorb, there would be too much to consciously change in their life and they'd probably not be willing do it.
Witnesses also employ pre-emptive scenarios to promote that only JW's are the true religion. A typical example would be for a JW to inform their Study early on that the Bible said that 'True Christians' would be hated for knowing and proclaiming the Truth. The Study is told that their family may not like them and may hate them for studying with JW's although these same family members would probably not have a problem if the Study were interested in becoming a Catholic, Baptist or Anglican. This would then be presented as having the true religion as only the 'True' religion would be hated. If the Studies family expressed any negativity toward JW's, this might then support that JW's must have the 'True' religion.
Considering the KH love bombing, a new 'associate' may feel that they have finally found a place where they fit-in and belong. Even if the person recognized something was wrong with the doctrines, the fact of meeting so many nice, friendly, smiling and seemingly intelligent people, places the Study as minority so they might consider that they've not understood something properly, further making it easier and more likely for them to suppress their doubts.
Once adopted within the group, the new convert is treated as though there is something wrong with them if they express questions or alternate thoughts on subjects that have already been discussed previously. Their new JW friend who spent so much time on them, likely will now become upset and expresses regret for wasting time that would have been better spent converting other people. Fear of acceptance and loss of friendship makes it more difficult for the person studying to back-away from proceeding with becoming a full fledged JW.
just got back fromt he convention.
it was unbelievable.
deep....and very interesting..
Sounds like the usual JW description of every meeting, talk or article when there is nothing specific to say.
Always made me wonder when someone used these words if they actually had learned, heard or understood anything but felt obligated to say something seemingly positive.