Witnesses also often target people who are undergoing a major life changing circumstance (critical illness, death in family, new baby, etc) as this can bring out the emotional aspects of a person who would normally be considered analytical, sceptical, resistant or unemotional. These circumstances often cause people to question the meaning of life or look for ways to a better future for their new child, opening the door for anyone providing somewhat logical answers to their concerns.
Some years ago, 'The Society' had been promoting witnesses to push their 'Studies' to become baptised within 6 months of association. I think that this is no longer promoted as much as I believe it's not as successful as converting over a longer term.
I believe people are less resistive to new ideas with the ideas more easily adopted if they are presented gradually and repeatedly over an extended time. How many new converts would have converted if everything they needed to know about becoming a JW was made known to them all at once?
With new ideas gradually presented over an extended time, the 'Study' will probably not even realize that they're being conditioned to think and act differently whereas if information was presented all at once, not only would it be too much to absorb, there would be too much to consciously change in their life and they'd probably not be willing do it.
Witnesses also employ pre-emptive scenarios to promote that only JW's are the true religion. A typical example would be for a JW to inform their Study early on that the Bible said that 'True Christians' would be hated for knowing and proclaiming the Truth. The Study is told that their family may not like them and may hate them for studying with JW's although these same family members would probably not have a problem if the Study were interested in becoming a Catholic, Baptist or Anglican. This would then be presented as having the true religion as only the 'True' religion would be hated. If the Studies family expressed any negativity toward JW's, this might then support that JW's must have the 'True' religion.
Considering the KH love bombing, a new 'associate' may feel that they have finally found a place where they fit-in and belong. Even if the person recognized something was wrong with the doctrines, the fact of meeting so many nice, friendly, smiling and seemingly intelligent people, places the Study as minority so they might consider that they've not understood something properly, further making it easier and more likely for them to suppress their doubts.
Once adopted within the group, the new convert is treated as though there is something wrong with them if they express questions or alternate thoughts on subjects that have already been discussed previously. Their new JW friend who spent so much time on them, likely will now become upset and expresses regret for wasting time that would have been better spent converting other people. Fear of acceptance and loss of friendship makes it more difficult for the person studying to back-away from proceeding with becoming a full fledged JW.