The six month commitment request is often made to previously active and practising members who have come to realize that matters are not proper in the WT/JW org. Many of those were fully indoctrinated and committed members for years and even decades. What is a further six month period supposed to change or undo?
JoinedPosts by Incognito
Give Jehovah Only 6 Months!
by naazira inmain question: what do you think would happen if jehovah's witnesses stayed away from the watchtower organization for 6 months?
instead of "us" staying in their world for 6 months.
personally, i think they would be like the amish youth on rumspringa- many to never return.. i came across a thread here, where the poster said that their parents told them to give jehovah's org 6 months.
The social institution of the Kingdom Hall.
by The Rebel init is a warm sunny day, blue skies and i am excited by the prospect this sunday holds.
will i dismantle a motorbike?
paint a picture?
masturbation and a bike ride into the city
How do you have the energy...for a bike ride?
Fleece the Sheep Regional Convention
or more accurately Fleecing the Sheep
Any time I see 'RC' shown for Regional Convention, I initially think, 'Roman Catholic'.
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
DTV and Dish are not 'available' in Canada. We do have Bell sat and Shaw Direct sat.
A new streaming service just opened, 'Shomi' which similar to Netflix is $8.99/mo but has broader and more current programming. It also maybe be subscribed through Rogers and Shaw cable, or accessed through the net for those without cable.
I doubt WT would want to pay anyone to steam their content. They won't be able to view and control who has access. Then again, if they insist on streaming themselves, they will need plenty of bandwidth which should be less costly than printing and distributing literature.
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
Notice as how everything they do, is made to sound as if it is cutting edge, that no one else has ever done it and that it couldn't be done without Jah's support and blessing.
Meanwhile, commercial broadcasting has been doing those same things for decades as standard operating procedure.
Did Geoffrey Jackson Commit Perjury, or Just "Spiritual Warfare"?
by The Searcher inmr. jackson was pressured by angus stewart to answer if the org condoned corporal punishment, to which he openly stated that the org does not condone corporal punishment for j.w.
this "fact" has never been revealed in the org's literature, in fact, this article which was published under geoffrey jackson's supervision, by definition demonstrates the org's approval of corporal punishment for j.w.
At 48:25 of Part One, Jackson made this statement "Even in ancient times God did not have in mind for children to be beaten up in a bad way."
As WT and JWs often rely on technicalities, stating 'beaten up' could be considered differently than corporal punishment, while intended to mislead. Likewise the 'in a bad way' statement.
The WT promote shunning as a loving provision, not the harsh, unloving, cruel action as we now see it to be. The use of physical discipline is considered as good for the child, not as a bad action.
As each court witness must swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, any untruth or misleading testimony, regardless of reason, would be considered by the court to be perjury.
Canadian branch getting rid of their trucks and drivers
by wannaexit ina recent letter to the elders outlined the new arrangement for delivering literature to the congregations.
the canadian branch will be downsizing by eliminating drivers and trucks and utilizing commercial carriers to bring the boxes of monthly literature .
more outsourcing and more lay offs.. the funny thing about it is that they want to have the literature delivered to various private homes of the rank and file rather than have the literature delivered to the kingdom hall.
They probably get lower rates of delivered to private homes
While courier companies usually charge a consistent rate based upon weight, they are usually used for small volume shipments. Large haulers must normally take loading and unloading time and ease into consideration particularly if certain homes will be used as a central hub. Paper is heavy. A private home means no loading dock which then requires that every piece be handled individually. Depending on the type of home and access, a larger truck will often need to be offloaded at the street, likely to a hand cart. All this, regardless of weather.
As nevaagain related above, it appears that WT is also eliminating sorting prior to shipment. Instead of placing each congregation's order in separate boxes which the intended recipient is clearly identified, they are instead combining all orders together and then offloading responsibility for sorting and repackaging to the Literature Servants at the receiving end. I guess they are called a 'Servant' for a reason.
Canadian branch getting rid of their trucks and drivers
by wannaexit ina recent letter to the elders outlined the new arrangement for delivering literature to the congregations.
the canadian branch will be downsizing by eliminating drivers and trucks and utilizing commercial carriers to bring the boxes of monthly literature .
more outsourcing and more lay offs.. the funny thing about it is that they want to have the literature delivered to various private homes of the rank and file rather than have the literature delivered to the kingdom hall.
I would expect more than 2 trucks due to WT & Awake being shipped to USA. -
Canadian branch getting rid of their trucks and drivers
by wannaexit ina recent letter to the elders outlined the new arrangement for delivering literature to the congregations.
the canadian branch will be downsizing by eliminating drivers and trucks and utilizing commercial carriers to bring the boxes of monthly literature .
more outsourcing and more lay offs.. the funny thing about it is that they want to have the literature delivered to various private homes of the rank and file rather than have the literature delivered to the kingdom hall.
As I understand the WT & Awake have been printed in Canada for Canada & USA, it would seem that more trucks & drivers should be required.
While maintenance and fuel is expensive, WT has its own mechanics and drivers (unpaid) and fuel costs are the same whether used in their own trucks or by a private carrier.
I would expect that long haul trips would initially be full trailer loads but the load would become lighter as deliveries are completed, farther away from home base. Return trips are likely empty unless a pick-up of paper, ink or other supplies can be arranged on the way back. If travelling empty, then the trip is further overhead.
Perhaps WT is intending to reduce/eliminate much of the printed literature, instead forcing r&f witnesses to download at least their personal materials off the website.
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
by OrphanCrow ini emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
Village Idiot
I understand the statement to mean that Jackson will attend the RC to testify in person, and the proceeding will be viewable on line for the world to watch.