Gender change is not something that is typically discussed within the organization.
Any type of alteration to a person such as tattoos and piercings including ears, is not generally accepted as WT had years ago considered those things as a form of unnatural mutilation. I do not recall WT ever officially changing its position on that matter although I could be mistaken. Little maybe said if the person already had those things before becoming a JW but depending on the congregation elders, if a JW congregant obtained a tattoo or had their child's ears pierced, they could be taken aside to be counseled.
Homosexuality is routinely degraded and is considered within the JW religion as an illness so acceptance as to a person's sexual orientation if not heterosexual, is not accepted.
Females are not permitted to wear pants to the KH (and to some, not truly acceptable anywhere). Likewise, males are not to dress in female clothing, even if for a costume party or a part in a play.
Although I haven't directly answered your question, I think you may appreciate that a gender modification would not be acceptable.
TeaBiscuit said:
that was also the time I started studying the bible with them.
Did you actually study the bible or only WT books that referred to various bible scriptures that were chosen to appear to support the point the book was attempting to make? Perhaps you may wish to go back to re-read those scriptures including the chapter before and after the chosen scripture, to verify what was referred to, is in context.