I did not want to upset or even hurt any of you.
This group is highly diversified and resilient so I doubt anyone would be offended if your questions are sincere and respectful. Although most of this group are ex-JWs, there is nothing for anyone here to win or loose in answering your questions honestly.
While you may expect your questions to receive truthful answers from JWs, if the true answer doesn't reflect positively on the organization, then the answer may be vague, not completely truthful or there maybe a change of subject so your question may not receive an answer.
Now is the proper time to ask questions. After baptism is too late as you are then considered to have forever committed your life to the organization. If you think JW baptism is a dedication to God, review the 2 vows every candidate must verbally confirm just before changing clothes to enter the baptism pool.
Your answer on Bible study confirms that you did not actually study the Bible but only books giving WT interpretations including their opinion on what the bible is saying.
You previously mentioned that you started preparing the questions to ready yourself for baptism. Where in the bible does it even suggest that answering questions is a requirement for baptism? If that was God's requirement, wouldn't the bible clearly state that?
I'm not telling you what to believe but I am attempting to help you realize to not blindly accept everything you're shown because it sounds nice or is what you want to hear. You are responsible for yourself and you need to do your own independent research before committing to anything, not just a religion.