That $25 may not sound much ... but per month, over 5 years, it's $1,500 even before you earn any interest for it.
So reverse it - imagine someone will pay you $1,500 to not watch a couple of channels. Hells yeah I'll switch over! - Simon
What is not even mentioned here is what any of us would need to earn (before tax and other deductions) before we would actually have $1,500 in hand.
$18 is quite a lot when you consider that they basically just give you VOIP anyway.
True, but my comment was mainly related to conventional landline costs (ie: Bell). Each company's goal is to make money so they will often charge what people are willing to pay.
I'm amazed so many people continue to remain loyal to Bell (and their excessive prices) simply because they have been a customer for years and therefore, refuse to even consider other options.
Our only hold-back in switching to Ooma is they don't yet (hopefully soon) offer numbers local to our specific location. We can't yet port our current number to the Ooma service. I'm OK with a new number but the better half, not so much.