If it was one person, I'd be thinking it was mental illness. A whole family is really weird...
Possibly, Folie à deux (Madness of two), but variations can affect more than two including whole families.
the latest from the 'tea' drinkers in canada.
i can hear them chanting now.
If it was one person, I'd be thinking it was mental illness. A whole family is really weird...
Possibly, Folie à deux (Madness of two), but variations can affect more than two including whole families.
i just wanted to share with you the thoughts that i've had lately.. my plan was to get a job, become independent and then leaving the org throughout this year 2018. i'm going to achieve the first step in a matter of weeks, the second one soon afterwards but maybe i will wait a little longer for the last one.. one year ago a friend of mine was reinstated.
we weren't very close friends back then, although we got along well.
but, since no many jws in my town want to hang out with him (because of his being a former disfellowshipped), we started to talk and go out more often and in a matter of half a year we've become very close friends, like brothers.
I don't want to leave him alone now.
If you left the org, would you be leaving him or would HE leave you? Would he consider your feelings?
You do understand, a relationship with a JW is usually made conditional by the JW, not necessarily by the one that leaves?
If it were the other way around so you were recently reinstated but he wants to leave, would you abandon him just because he no longer wants to be a JW?
That means that I will probably wait until... summer 2019
Or maybe 2020 or 2025 or ...
There will never be an ideal time. Something will often arise to cause a person to doubt, reconsider and postpone.
it really hurt to hear brothers and sisters commenting about this at the meeting yesterday.. "as in solomon’s case, one of the greatest threats to spirituality is friendship with those who do not understand or respect jehovah’s standards.
some may be associated with the congregation but may be spiritually weak.
others could be relatives, neighbors, coworkers, or schoolmates who are not worshippers of jehovah.
During a circuit assembly now prob 20 years ago, an elder giving a part said that he and his family only associate with those that are stronger in the truth than they are. He was promoting that everyone in attendance adopt a similar attitude.
My thought at the time was this elder should be happy not everyone has that same attitude otherwise, no one would associate with his family since they are weaker in comparison to the JWs they hang-out with.
it really hurt to hear brothers and sisters commenting about this at the meeting yesterday.. "as in solomon’s case, one of the greatest threats to spirituality is friendship with those who do not understand or respect jehovah’s standards.
some may be associated with the congregation but may be spiritually weak.
others could be relatives, neighbors, coworkers, or schoolmates who are not worshippers of jehovah.
If your morals and your beliefs are so weak that a little challenge puts them at serious risk, then perhaps they were not worth upholding in the first place.
Exactly. I have long considered the beliefs held by JWs as personal, are not truly their beliefs since most would immediately accept without question, a change to those beliefs if WT told them to do so.
There is an apparent fear conveyed that JWs in reading, hearing or considering anything contrary to that taught by WT, will cause them to abandon WT teachings. In this manner, WT is in effect acknowledging its teachings are weak and are not true. Individual JWs further acknowledge this when they fear and immediately run from anything which challenges 'their' beliefs.
to all bodies of elders "handling cases of drug abuse".
september 1, 2018. to all bodies of elders re: handling cases of drug abusedear brothers: as noted below, the procedure for handling the misuse of marijuana and the abuse of medi- cal, illicit, or addictive drugs has been adjusted to harmonize with the procedure for handling the misuse of tobacco.
ttdtt, a Judicial Committee is now being assembled as we speak.
when i was a full-on believing jw i had an obsessive fascination with mormonism.
i read, studied and watched their propaganda with strange interest as well as their apostate mormon books.
i have to say, they have a good scam going claiming that "the lord reintroduced tithing" in the modern age.
As with anything WT / JW, a tithe would be given a unique title and implemented in a slightly different way from other religions.
As mentioned, WT has already implemented a version of a tithe, but the obligation is not placed on individual members, but on the congregation as a whole.
Individual congregation members/families were asked to indicate and commit to an amount they will provide on a monthly basis. Although not a percentage of income, those amounts were totalled and indicated to WT as that congregation's ongoing monthly 'contribution' to WT.
If an individual or family does not fulfil the commitment they indicated, other congregation members are then fully expected make-up for the shortfall.
all through my life, now in my 40's, i've seen df people get completely shunned by family and friends, but an ex elder showed me the stfog book that says it's just spiritual contact that stops.
so what's the crack?
i'm mega confused, as i want to go p.o.m.o or ideally da but don't want to loose family..
StephaneL stated it correctly.
JWs are not to even offer a greeting to a DF'd or DA'd person, but when that person is a family member who resides within the same home, then WT stipulates there be minimal interaction and certainly no discussion of 'spiritual' matters.
If the df'd family member does not live in the same home, there is to be no interaction except for when family business is necessary.
When a family member lives in the home, I've heard where some JW families have required the df'd person to eat in another room or at a different time as that person was not permitted to eat with other JW family members. I also understand some parents of a df'd child, have required that child to move-out once reaching 18 years of age (or other age of adulthood applicable to that country).
Often, a person does not need to be df'd to be treated as such as many JWs will provide that treatment to anyone who no longer attends meetings.
my husband was baptized at the recent 2018 convention in south africa ....... he was very annoyed that his non-believing wife did not attend the baptism....... but i think he received pressure from his jw father & elders as to why his wife was not attending ....... anyway ..... it's really water off my back .
i wanted to know what privileges you get as a baptized jw man , as i saw a message from one of the elders at his cong , congratulating him on his baptism and to earning more privileges ..... what are these privileges the elder is speaking about ,,,,, .
i don't feel like asking my husband as it just lands up in a stupid fight ..... or a long winded explanation ..... thanks .
LOLS, sorry for your loss.
It sounds as if he did not discuss his plans or request your views before proceeding. A spouse deciding to become a practicing JW, typically will not take into consideration the impact that decision will have on other members of the family even when the remaining family has no intention of becoming JWs themselves.
Things you may normally take for granted such as Christmas and Birthday observances will often become heated issues. If you or one of your children should be injured and require a blood transfusion, will he honor or consider your wishes or will he oppose a transfusion regardless?
You said:
which we all know they are not allowed to get divorced ...
This is not fully correct. Some JWs couples do become divorced.
Even when there is a legal divorce, if there is no infidelity by either party, then the JW is not free to be in a relationship with anyone else as he/she continues to be considered as married 'scripturally'. JWs consider the only valid reason to dissolve a marriage in God's eyes, is unfaithfulness.
If a divorced JW wishes to remain in favor with the organization but wants to pursue a relationship with someone else, they may attempt to gather evidence to a sexual relationship by their ex-spouse or request an admission to that in writing from their ex. Without a 'scriptural' divorce, the JW maybe disfellowshipped if they remarry.
last week was a big week for me in terms of coming totally clean to my wife and her being more than on board to leave the jw’s with me.
we know what to expect but things happen from family and it still hurts just as bad.
last night my wife got a long text message from her brother that has seemed to be in the fence and he told her that same guilt tripping rhetoric that the wt uses about life in the paradise etc.
Just because you and your wife decided to leave the religion, does not mean your other JW family need to be made aware right away.
Both of you are starting a new experience in which to become accustomed. In a new situation, you may each be vulnerable to family emotions including pressure and suggestion that you are not doing the right thing and need to start attending meetings or even study again with a strong JW.
Take your time and be cautious with what you say to others, at least until you are settled and at ease with your situation and the decisions you each have made.
this letter was posted on the aust and nz facebook group this week.. it is self explanatory!
wow.... it seems to be their attempt at controlling the situation after the arc fallout.. .
Is this geniune or did someone on Facebook create it as a hoax?
Even if written from one WT committee to another:
Suspicious, and too easily created by almost anyone.
Depending on the device you are viewing this on, if the attachment is blurry, try refreshing the page.