JoinedPosts by Incognito
Canadian branch getting rid of their trucks and drivers
by wannaexit ina recent letter to the elders outlined the new arrangement for delivering literature to the congregations.
the canadian branch will be downsizing by eliminating drivers and trucks and utilizing commercial carriers to bring the boxes of monthly literature .
more outsourcing and more lay offs.. the funny thing about it is that they want to have the literature delivered to various private homes of the rank and file rather than have the literature delivered to the kingdom hall.
I would expect more than 2 trucks due to WT & Awake being shipped to USA. -
Canadian branch getting rid of their trucks and drivers
by wannaexit ina recent letter to the elders outlined the new arrangement for delivering literature to the congregations.
the canadian branch will be downsizing by eliminating drivers and trucks and utilizing commercial carriers to bring the boxes of monthly literature .
more outsourcing and more lay offs.. the funny thing about it is that they want to have the literature delivered to various private homes of the rank and file rather than have the literature delivered to the kingdom hall.
As I understand the WT & Awake have been printed in Canada for Canada & USA, it would seem that more trucks & drivers should be required.
While maintenance and fuel is expensive, WT has its own mechanics and drivers (unpaid) and fuel costs are the same whether used in their own trucks or by a private carrier.
I would expect that long haul trips would initially be full trailer loads but the load would become lighter as deliveries are completed, farther away from home base. Return trips are likely empty unless a pick-up of paper, ink or other supplies can be arranged on the way back. If travelling empty, then the trip is further overhead.
Perhaps WT is intending to reduce/eliminate much of the printed literature, instead forcing r&f witnesses to download at least their personal materials off the website.
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
by OrphanCrow ini emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
Village Idiot
I understand the statement to mean that Jackson will attend the RC to testify in person, and the proceeding will be viewable on line for the world to watch.
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
The Letters to the Bodies of Elders, for instance? Nobody here ever gets upset about breaches in confidentiality or etiquette when one of those gets posted here.
Same goes for audio recordings or videos of Judicial Hearing proceedings. After all, the private matters discussed regard the person that recorded and posted them.
Demoted from elder to MS, anybody ever heard of this?
by Naoscillator inso a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
Morpheus said: It confims nothing.
Ooops, I guess I should have said "evidently".
This is Spanish, mind you, a different story attendance wise than English in the US.
Yes! I understand there is a difference. You mention US but even in this country 10+ years ago when we were faithful attenders, a member of the public attending on Sunday was so rare, it was virtually non existent. Still, congregation administrative matters were always addressed during the mid-week 'members' meeting.
From what I've previously witnessed, if there had been a major problem in the congregation to the scale you describe, the CO will have been involved long before his scheduled visit. He would held meetings with the now former elders, although the remainder of the congregation might not be aware of his presence. I've also seen an additional CO visit added in between the regularly scheduled visits. Changes being made were then announced during the CO's local needs talk.
Demoted from elder to MS, anybody ever heard of this?
by Naoscillator inso a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
These types of administrative matters had always been addressed during the Service Meeting, never on a Sunday. Sunday had always been considered as open to the public.
I guess, this further confirms that the public do not attend on Sunday so there is no reason to delay dealing with the congregation's private matters.
Hello Everyone
by MarieK ini hope everyone is having a good saturday.
i've visited this many times in the past month or so, joined yesterday and finally got the nerve to post!
needless to say, i'm super nervous, being new to this whole experience.
Welcome Marie,
It's strange to now look back and accept we thought it wrong and 'unthinkable' to not be able to research the religion we were an active member in.
While this religion is frequently referred to as "The Truth", in actuality, it can't stand-up to a little true research and criticism by its own members, never mind outsiders and potential converts.
Don't dwell negatively on time wasted and opportunities missed while a JW. The strong, super person you have become, is a composite of everything you have learned and experienced in your life so far. If you had not been a JW, you would not be the same person you are today.
by COLLINS inplease don't forget me because i know all the elders who have access to the confidential area of and others in the forum always have answers to anyone's questions no matter who you are.. so please send me those two letters i requested for only.
and i need a simple link to those two letters only.
don't forsake me.
Why do you continue to YELL?
A Watchtower quote about apostates I never knew about
by Saintbertholdt ini knew the watchtower didn't like me, but i didn't know they wanted to physically kill me (if they were allowed)from the 15 november 1952 watchtower magazine under questions from readers:.
in the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped, how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?.
we are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from god and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of israel in the wilderness of sinai and in the land of palestine... (and a bit later)..being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of god through jesus christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws.. so let me get this straight: if our secular pesky laws were not an obstacle and jesus was not in the way we'd be hunted and exterminated?.
Good reply except it needs one more word:
"If I was in Israel I would have had a fair public trial by competent men."
Local Elders whip the Congregation into a frenzy about donating to the Organization
by James Jack inbecause of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
go back to May of 2014 and read this forum about the changes the ORG did with donations
While I'm well aware of the earlier donation changes, I had understood that the congregations were to immediately 'hand-over' all savings in excess of 3 months of congregation expenses plus make monthly payments of pledged funds or 'at least' the equal value of any 'forgiven' monthly mortgage payment.
Are you saying that your congregation pays a set 'pledge' of $600 plus, continue to raise additional funds of $400 - $500 +++ each month in excess of monthly expenses?
Congregations I had been previously associated, although having some 'well off' members, were often barley able to pay the mortgage and utilities.
While you maybe amazed of the disproportionate share of contributions provided, I had been aware of that being common in many congregations while I was still attending.