Almost 5 years together, yet his parents and family only learned of you 2 months ago? WOW, there is a relationship with a future.
You state that you really do LOVE him but ... you come here expressing concern on how he treats you. How can you honestly say you love him? When a couple first start dating is typically when they are on their best behavior. If he's already treating you badly, what will he be like if the relationship continues?
I think you love the idea of a guy friend and have been putting-up with unacceptable behavior just to continue the pretense of a guy friend relationship.
As was previously implied, if he really wanted to be with you, he would move mountains to be with you every second possible.
I kinda like the suggestion of confronting (and even dumping) him at his KH.
edited to add: his parents will be looking at you as a potential convert which will be why their reaction was claimed to be not so negative. I suspect in reality, they reacted more strongly than was indicated to you.