he could be sued for breaking of attorney-client privilege
In the clip in the OP, he was only speaking in general. He didn't identify any specific victim, perp, elder, congregation name or case number.
lawyer from canada watchtower branch reveals how the watchtower protects pedophiles.
he had the courage to speak up against the evil policies that protect pedophiles.
this video needs to go viral.
he could be sued for breaking of attorney-client privilege
In the clip in the OP, he was only speaking in general. He didn't identify any specific victim, perp, elder, congregation name or case number.
my roommate bought a new dell laptop, operated by windows 10. in the three weeks he's had it, it's online then goes offline (and this repeatedly): when he goes from one e-mail to another, when he engages in a financial transaction, when he opens a new webpage, etc.
he does the basic rebooting, as prescribed in the article whose link is attached.
his pc and my older dell and apple powerbook are all on wifi.
It may not necessarily be Windows 10 but could be an issue with the wifi adaptor (hardware) in his laptop. He should also check for the most current driver.
The link you provide, is from a Windows 10 update issue last December.
ha, another visit from the jws.... thankfully they are few and far between (seem to roll around whenever the co visits or is about to visit...)an elder and his wife, presenting the magazines and inviting us to the talks, which are "so encouraging".
he had the saddest, most hang-dog expression, as he bemoaned these last days, so critical to deal with, and how the world was getting so terrible, things are so bad, blah blah blah, and every time i looked at her, she smiled encouragingly at me with that bright-eyed, put-on "sincere" smile.
i thanked them for coming, and said, "i appreciate you thinking about us" (after they said how the "missed us" at the meetings, ugh) -- "but we know where the kingdom hall is if we decide to go back.
When the CO is due around here we get phone calls 20 minutes before the meeting starts and maybe a text message. - moreconfused
Ah, a nonvite.
We received a nonvite for the memorial a few years ago. A printed invite was placed in our door sometime during the same day as the event. Even if we had wanted to attend but didn't know the specific date in advance, after arriving home after work to find the invite, there was no time remaining to change clothes and drive to the hall before it was almost over.
i've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
Thank you for the explanation regarding food.
WT create a per person rate which is multiplied by the number of publishers assigned.. Any lower amount of donations than forecast will be considered a deficit even when more than the true expenses have been collected. While the per publisher rate will include utilities and consumables, those will be small compared to the 'donation' to be sent to WT, making up the majority of the 'entrance' fee.
Consider that the account report is typically made early in the day. As someone here said, even if the majority of the expected donations have been received, much of those donations may not be reported when the accounts report is made, expecting attendees to dig deeper.
yup, you read right.
despite other personal turmoil that needs to be addressed, my family has decided to go nuts over halloween decorations being "too close" to our yard.
a new family just moved in next door; their kids are super young.
Is this next to your yard or your parents? If your yard, it's not your parent's concern.
The electrical box is likely located on your city's property so that wouldn't technically be on either resident's land.
"the way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end.
now you will have peace for eternity.
" -- maleva, the wolf man.
i've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
most spend their money during the break on food, drinks, ice cream,
Not meaning to derail the thread, is this a Regional convention or a District (1 day) assembly?
The JW assembly halls in this part of the world, eliminated food service decades ago so attendees wanting food or drink, would need to bring it from home or otherwise leave the assembly location to drive to a store or restaurant.
For a RC, some rented venues are located nearby to a shopping mall or city centre.
i've been disfellowshipped for six years, since i was 18. i struggle with depression and self-destructive habits (minor in comparison to the suicides, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior of others i've grown up with who have left or were too afraid to leave).
i'm fairly successful for my age - respected in my field, i have an extensive curriculum vitae of published writing, presentations, and other projects.
yet, i often feel worthless and unloveable.
You haven't stated your view on the JW religion. Do you continue to believe it to be the 'truth', have you taken a indifferent attitude, or have you realized that religion is fake? If realizing it to be fake, have you accepted that?
Since you are DF'd, perhaps the forced rejection is contributing to your depression, since 'they' are treating you as less of a person and unworthy.
i want to share my story.
(might be a tad long).
i have no idea where i stand anymore regarding being a jw and where i stand in my marriage.. im 28 years old and the years are certainly ticking by.
I have been beating myself up a bit with the other replies.
This is part of the problem. You continue to place too much importance on what others think and tell you to do, allowing them to control you.
Everyone here is a faceless stranger at the end of a keyboard. We all have an opinion, and like it or not, not everyone is going to tell you what you want to hear. Even if harsh, there is probably something useful in what was said by each. Keep what is useful and discard the rest, not only here but everywhere else throughout life.
You have permitted your mother and others in the congregation to control who you date and marry and other aspects of your life, even after becoming an adult when you should be making those decisions for yourself. Your mother, congregation or forum members are not going to live with the consequences to those decisions, only you will, often for the remainder of your life.
You need to decide when enough is enough and start taking control and making your own decisions. Of course, the family you were involved in creating, also need to be considered. Although easier said than done, these are things which could be discussed with a therapist to obtain unbiased support and suggestions.
Suggest also reading Susan Forward's book: Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life
The issues considered may be applied to all relationships not only to parents.
west palm lawyer takes on scientology in unprecedented arbitration.
by jane musgrave - palm beach post staff writer.
a federal judge in Tampa ruled that it will be decided, not by a jury in a court of law, but by three Scientologists who understand the teachings of the church’s late founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
Ex-Scientologists also understand the teachings of LRH.
Someone such as Mike Rinder would provide not only a better than average understanding of the 'church' at all levels, but also provide balance and understanding to the Garcia's plight.
With conditions and restrictions contrary to established court and arbitration rules and procedure, this then portrays an appearance Scientology is being given preferential treatment.
The question is raised as to why a federal judge would establish special conditions for this action. Babbitt should be opposing these restrictions on his client's behalf, if that hasn't already occurred.