You seemed to have jumped to the worst case scenario. You haven't yet discussed the situation with anyone but are already stating you are being disfellowshipped. From what you described, it doesn't sound as though you have actually done anything physical to be DF'd for.
Consider the JW 2 witness rule and use it to your advantage
Explicit photos and text will work as proof (a witness) against you to support any potential action they might consider. Delete the texts, emails and whatever you are keeping to eliminate this witness and therefore weaken any allegations against you. While your parents may have seen the texts, you are an adult and any meeting with Elders will be you alone without your parents. Deny, Deny, Deny. Your word against theirs especially if they have no proof to present.
Your opening post said "But I've hid the secret of a boyfriend I had from india."
You said "I had" which is a past tense statement. Continue using past tense when questioned.