Anybody else get 4:55 worth of video on video four even though it says it's 9:55 long?
Dubstepped, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing that. I found each one except #1 to be shorter than what they are supposed to be.
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Anybody else get 4:55 worth of video on video four even though it says it's 9:55 long?
Dubstepped, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing that. I found each one except #1 to be shorter than what they are supposed to be.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
There is the WRONG belief that everyone is your “brother” and you are supposed to let your guard down.
Good point LongHairGal, especially in consideration of Barbara's comments about how pedophiles often take the most interest when JW's do prison ministry. If we don't have a prison located near to us, we might not give much thought to prison ministry but people, including JW's, do tend to move around. How much more so for someone recently released, trying to escape their past and starting a new life as a JW?
Any new JW that suddenly shows-up at the hall is expected to be welcomed with open arms and full trust, even as no one (except a few elders - may be) may know anything about the person.
can anyone verify or give any background info on why the manchester broughton congregation seems to have been split and become a salford cong and a crumpsall cong?
surprised that splitting congs is still a thing in the uk with the stagnation of figures..
Does the area offers benefits such as jobs, new development, schools, recreation, higher status or lower cost of living?
Even as the growth of JW numbers stagnate or decline, JW families will often relocate to other locations which they anticipate will be beneficial for their family. If enough move to one area, that may result in congregation growth in that area even as there may be a further decline in the area they moved away from. will post soon on site..
There are numerous reasons to obscure the identity of persons in the photos. A few quickly come to mind:
As far as those few expressing disappointment with the episode, consider only 1 year ago, many here were asking about methods that could be used to result in an expose being made about JWs. Now there has been this A&E production and Leah Remini is also anticipated to produce at least one episode with JWs as the subject.
People who constantly complain about being too cold, shouldn't be so quick to complain about it being too hot when the weather turns warm. (it's a Canadian thing )
If you wish there to be additional episodes on JWs, suggest writing to A&E, Elizabeth Vargas or Leah Remini with your suggestions. There are no guarantees but the people involved in these productions, probably want viewer feedback and an indication of what viewers wish to see and are willing to invest their time to watch.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
I suspect the JW episode will be posted to YT as there is already an episode regarding Sean Moon which I'm not aware of having been broadcast yet.
I found this comment on one of the YT pages titled "Bonus footage/highlights JW episode of 'Cults & Extreme Belief':
"BTW, Zeb Leatherman put it on his FB page if you don't get the A & E channel or if it's not on YouTube yet."
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
This clip whereby Elizabeth Vargas is interviewed about the series, she describes each episode will be from the perspective of one member who recently extricated themself from the group being discussed. There is probably enough information for any of those groups being investigated, to fill numerous hours of programming.
Romy was likely chosen as her child molestation situation would probably have broader interest to the general viewing public whereas an in-depth on shunning or loses due to blood doctrine may have lesser interest.
Having gone from NO programs about JWs now to this one plus anticipating the Leah Remini episode yet to come I think is positive and more than any of us hoped for when watching Leah's show last year.
Perhaps if a significant number write in appreciation to A&E for this episode, might cause them to consider producing a further episode from a different perspective.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
Each 1hr episode focuses on a different cult/extreme. This premiered yesterday and I expect each episode will eventually also be viewable on the A&E website.
Episode 1 subject was NXIVM
Episode 2 subject is JW's.
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
This series premiered on Monday May 28, hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas. NXIVM was featured in the initial episode. While I had expected this to be a weekly series, during Monday's program, upcoming episode promos were shown with JW's indicated as scheduled for tonight (Tuesday). The A&E website confirmed the episode on Tuesday.
The trailer clearly shows Barbara Anderson being interviewed.
Here's a link to info on Reddit: Reddit link
i haven't seen this posted.. tuesday may 29, 2018 @ 10pm (new york time zone).
cults and extreme belief - jehovah's witnesses.
I haven't seen this posted.
Tuesday May 29, 2018 @ 10PM (New York Time Zone)
Cults and Extreme Belief - Jehovah's Witnesses
posted here:.
biggest changes:.
Strange, although my phone and computer show the entire spreadsheet, my tablet does not. The tablet only shows 'Revenue 4500' downward. If you are reviewing the spreadsheet on a tablet or phone, you may wish to confirm you are viewing the entire thing. Column C should be headed "2009".
I agree with JeffT as anyone can create a spreadsheet and show any numbers. There is nothing to substantiate this as being created by WT Canada and there are no notes to define what is included in the figures on each line.
Even if this spreadsheet is authentic, WT has created a number of corporations over the years so this spreadsheet likely pertains to only one. While we continue to refer to it as Watchtower, we might be astounded at how many corporations are registered separately, at arm's length from WT, for the benefit of protection of assets. I have seen prior documents online which suggest WT (referring to the head) play a shell game with assets, donating them among various benefactor corporations, all under arm's length control of WT.
While line #4870 refers to Education and Training for Staff and Volunteers, there is no similar line indicating expenses paid for employee or volunteer stipends so as to identify and compare those expenses specifically.