So, to continue to qualify as a pioneer you had to do 2 hours for every pioneer hour you missed.
Where is the Bible example for this requirement?
As we kept track of our own time, we could have reported anything we wanted and no one would have known the difference. Of course, WT has developed a method to ensure we acted in the manner they demand as they conditioned us to believe, Jehovah, similar to Santa Claus, sees all and knows when we've been good and bad, naughty and nice.
As believers who volunteer their time and are told they are a brotherhood with all 'brothers' as equals in the eyes of God, why does anyone need to 'qualify' for a title 'Pioneer'? The title only seems to elevate the person above the brotherhood while placing burdon and stress on the volunteer to ensure they report enough hours this month, so as to continue to qualify to keep the title next month.
SinceJehovah is supposedly satisfied with the efforts freely given by each individual, and since we are to believe preaching is a noble requirement which we are to perform, why then worry about holding a title?