For all those here who support Russia's ban on JW's: Do you really feel that the individual rank and file deserve the above treatment? Do you honestly feel that this is the way to stop JW's?
This comment/question makes it sound as if torture and a ban are one-in-the-same. They are two separate actions and issues.
While noncompliance to any ban in most countries will usually result in legal penalties, the torturous treatment depicted on the 'JWs in Russia' website appears to be done outside of Russian law.
The article states: 'The Witnesses will pursue all available legal remedies for this crime ...'
Does this mean WT is pursuing legal remedies on behalf of those tortured and for all JWs in Russia, or are the Witness individuals that were tortured, acting only for themselves?
Has anyone found any information other than from the 'JWs in Russia' website and other JW and religion associated sites that confirm this story?