While I personally have no interest in what he does, TM3 is a prominent leader of a religious organization which places obligations on members to always worry about how their actions will reflect on Jehovah's name (in reality, the org's name) and to not do anything which may reflect negatively or stumble others. 'Others' include not only other JWs but also, people of 'the world' which includes exJWs.
The interest in this topic on this forum alone seems to indicate many members here are astounded if not stumbled by the quantity and expense of alcohol purchased.
Would it be a positive witness if people of the world saw a JW minister and leader of the WT organization buying that quantity of alcohol? How would the average taxpayer consider anyone that has taken a vow of poverty, spending a substantial sum on alcohol?
This same religion with little more than hearsay, will often cause an investigation or form a JC to pursue punishment of members that are accused of sins, regardless of circumstances. A JC may be formed for sexual impropriety with the only evidence presented is a married member being seen eating alone with someone of the opposite sex that is not their spouse or, a member's vehicle being observed parked overnight nearby to the residence of another member of the opposite sex.
JWs are instructed to lead a simple life and to be generous to the organization. Even JW children are 'encouraged' to donate what little they have.
JWs are not to think too much of themselves but are to always live their life to God's glory and benefit.
As a leader that establishes rules for the entire organization worldwide and requires the enforcement of those rules, it is not surprising he and all other GB members will be closely observed and criticised by exJWs, for behaviour and actions which would not be considered appropriate for other members.