I agree with Flash. 1914 is definitly a downturn date for things.
I think the the WTS has the right date, they just arrived at it in the wrong way.
I studied pre and post WW1 history for my A level exams (shows my age!) and it became quite apparant to me that things are worse now than they have ever been.
Amac said: No. I only see the average lifespans increasing. I see worldwide reporting that makes more people aware of all the atrocities...but I don't see anything to show that there are more atrocities.
I don't see this. We've seen more atrocities in less than 90 years than ever before. People have always been evil but not on such a scale. You can't say that the nuclear bombs dropped during the second world war has anything even remotely similar in comparison in years previous to 1914. Not even the Crusades comes close to size of devastation one bomb caused, let alone two. There has been nothing in previous history to even slightly compare to the damage and mass murder these caused (with or without worldwide media). Hitler doesn't have an equal to the amount of damage, murder etc he commited.
Average lifespans have increased somewhat, but for how long? Doctors now tell us that the generation growing up now have a shorter lifespan due to unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles.
Worldwide reporting does bring it home to us... but history can't compare with what we've done in the 20th centuary.
I think this is where the answer to 1914 lies, it's not what happens; it's the scale it happens on. More people are affected than before. Yes, so the Black Death, Spanish Flu, Potato Famine to mention a few affected on a large scale, even worldwide in some cases, but even they can't compare with things like AIDs, Heart Disease and Famine that we have now.
We may have better lives in the developed countries and in this we can definitly bury our heads, but third world countries are worse off.
I watched Sports Relief the other night and cried to see a little four year old working in dangerous stone quarries 6 days out of 7. Tiny mites living on traffic islands. An eleven year old girl having to care for her entire family and work to mention but a few. I can't get the image out of my head from Comic relief a while back now of a four year old looking after her baby brother (two) who couldn't walk because his toes had been chewed off by rats. I'm quite sure that if we tried to tell these ones that they were better off than their ancestors we'd be locked up for insanity.
Especially considering Imperialism and the race for Africa and India caused these problems in the first place. These people today do not have better lives than their ancestors before they were "discovered" and given a "civilised" way of life while their guests stripped their lands and lives of everything remotely useable.
Imperialism had it's roots in the 1800's but the true damage has been done this century. We have the ability to send a man to the moon, make bombs, weapons and diseases but we can't feed or cure our own human family. And to some extent we can't even admit that it's our fault in the first place.
I think that the scriptures in 2 Tim 3 and Matthew 24 do point to our time and 1914 is the start of that time.