Posts by Bryan

  • LovesDubs

    Elders performing marriages

    by LovesDubs in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    can elders perform marriage ceremonies outside of the hall?

    can they use the jw outline?

    what rules must they follow?

    1. plmkrzy
    2. cyber-sista
    3. Sunspot
  • Bryan

    I was 18. It was a horrible marriage; accept for my wonderful daughter. Wish my father would have said no!


  • LovesDubs

    Elders performing marriages

    by LovesDubs in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    can elders perform marriage ceremonies outside of the hall?

    can they use the jw outline?

    what rules must they follow?

    1. plmkrzy
    2. cyber-sista
    3. Sunspot
  • Bryan

    My father was and elder and married me and my non-babtized g/f in our home. The elders said we could not be married in the hall because she was not babtized. I believe he got the okay from the boe. Her step-father was an elder as well.
