I dont have much to give but I am thinking and wishing you well
Whilst at the same time admiring your strength
as most are probably aware, on a tuesday evening there has been a regular attempt to send ian (dansk) energy, positive vibes, healing light, and prayers.
i have to say that i've been astounded at the response (in a positive way!)..
ian reports that it's helping .
I dont have much to give but I am thinking and wishing you well
Whilst at the same time admiring your strength
do you feel better----emotionally and mentally since stopping meetings and living under the rules of the witnesses?
i've heard reports of better physical and mental health since persons have left the organization.
I am happier healthier and wealthier. Less irritated, less headaches, heaps and heaps better all round.
Only one downside that I could of left years ago and had this glorious freedom from stress sooner.
but better late than never.