JoinedPosts by Hisclarkness
Elder Mentioning an "Apostate Problem"
by Simon Templar ini bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
For those who have been out for a while, there is a growing number of friends within the organization who understand that to be Christian is to be anointed and that's why the number of partakers continues to rise. These are not mentally unstable ones. The GB knows this too. It's truly a sad state for people to be labeled as apostates by their own spiritual brothers and sisters for simply joining onto Christ. This house that is truly divided against itself cannot stand for much longer.Link +3 / -0 -
Questions for Serena Williams
by Esse quam videri inbeing as serena williams shows outstanding abilities and skills at that which she exerts herself in, such as tennis, it would seems reasonable that serena williams has the same high level of abilities in all of her worthwhile endeavors.
perhaps she has this level of abilities in her journey as one of jehovah's witnesses.
would it not be reasonable that those who need greater clarification and understanding of certain bible subjects, to make contact with serena and ask her such questions?.
There are tons of people who call to Jehovah but are not officially a part of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. These people might have studied but never progressed to baptism, might have family members who are witnesses, or might have grown up knowing the religion but never joined.
Just because her faith (meaning what she's grown up knowing) is associated with Jehovah's Witnesses doesn't mean she should be subject to scrutiny the same way a baptized witness would be. Besides, we shouldn't be judging people anyway. I love Serena Williams. She's my favorite athlete, Witness or not.
Anyway, I've said my peace.
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Questions for Serena Williams
by Esse quam videri inbeing as serena williams shows outstanding abilities and skills at that which she exerts herself in, such as tennis, it would seems reasonable that serena williams has the same high level of abilities in all of her worthwhile endeavors.
perhaps she has this level of abilities in her journey as one of jehovah's witnesses.
would it not be reasonable that those who need greater clarification and understanding of certain bible subjects, to make contact with serena and ask her such questions?.
People should stop "calling out" the Williams sisters for things. It's getting old, sorry. They were never baptized as Jehovah's witnesses so any disfellowshipping offense would not apply to them. Nor would I expect them to be up to date with all the tweaks and changes in doctrine and policy.
I "claimed" to be a Witness my whole childhood though I was never baptized until much later. But that was all I knew. I sure it's the same with them.
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Local Needs part given after Ministerial Servant left the organization
by cappytan inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbb8rt2bem8.
some crazy cult language in this talk.. some highlights:.
18:15 - obey.
Oh jeez... I SERIOUSLY thought this was my congregation until he said Houston, TX. I heard a similar talk was given at my hall about me and a couple of other brothers. "Stay away from certain ones trying to spread certain teachings". They didn't have anything on me to disfellowship me so they resorted to these types of local needs talks. At that point in my time of need and confusion I felt NO love from the "brotherhood". I felt hatred. So I never went back. Very few things get me riled up but this talk makes me boil!!
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Watchtower's response to Royal Commission shows they have learned nothing and will do nothing
by wannaexit ini've quickly read through watchtower's submission to the royal commission.
seems like they aren't planning to change policy anytime soon.
they are critical of how the royal commission handled the situation.. the tone is of the submission is shear arrogance.
Can someone please explain what if any significance WT's response holds? Does this delay any possible future policy changes or laws or is it merely a statement saying they disagree? -
Sex and Marriage
by nicolaou inmost religions indoctrinate a standard sexual 'morality' into their followers.
sex before marriage is wrong, gay sex is wrong, same sex marriage is wrong, masturbation is wrong.. let's not turn this into another religion bashing thread (too easy), i was wondering how much of that pre-packaged thinking you still hold to?.
i still value marriage, more than ever.
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of "sex before marriage" is not found anywhere in the bible. Under the Mosaic Law a man could lie down with any woman who wasn't already someone else's "property". Sleeping with harlots was commonplace. In the New Testament, the word fornication from the Greek "porneia" has to do with greed, lust, and adultery. Never did "porneia" have an original meaning of "sex before marriage." How could Jesus say that a man could only divorce his wife if she committed fornication if fornication meant sex before marriage?Link +7 / -0 -
converting to catholic
by SloppyMcFloppy inhello i was wondering if any ex jw have converted to catholic?
i have been tossing the idea around a bit and wondering if it was woth it from personal experience?
If you feel Catholicism brings you closer to God and helps you more closely follow the Christ, then follow what you feel is right. Only don't fall into the trap again that you've found the one true religion. What you've found is what's right for YOU.Link +9 / -0 -
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
No more printing of WT and Awake in my country.. Shit just got real
by cognitivedizzy inguys .
a letter was just read in out kh stating that all printing of wt and awake is ceased for the coming year and we will just place tracts on fs, countries which were cared by our branch will be cared by other countries...along with this they read the new fs form and stuff about reporting links of videos wtf..lol.
i can't tell which country perhaps that will give away a lot, any one with a similar information.
Don't know if this has been answered or not but are they only stopping the shipment of literature to that country or are they also no longer printing in those affected languages?Link +1 / -0 -
Revised NWT...cross references...Has anyone noticed....?
by 4thgen injust let me say, i hate the gray bible.
when i read the revision of mal 3:10 and they included tithing, i almost vomited.
recently though, my invalid mother asked me to read to her and the only thing available was the gray bible.
I'll never forget sitting at the hall during the live stream of the annual meeting when the RNWT was released. The spin was that the old version had all those pesky cross references that made the pages look too crowded so we got rid of some of them for you to make the pages look cleaner. I made an audible groan which prompted a glance from the brother sitting next to me because I knew instantly why they were really reducing the cross references. I still use the older NWT because it's a great way to show through all the cross references that much of JW doctrine is wrong and THEN show the RNWT and the lack of certain cross references to prove that it is not simply a matter of "waiting on jehovah" to bring "new light" but that there is clear scheming by men going on behind the scenes.Link +3 / -0