Technically, unbaptized children are not JWs either. However, if you are a minor then you are under the rules of your parents, JW or not. A parent is allowed to raise their child however they please, as long as they are not breaking the law or endangering the child. I understand your issue with blood but that is not the point in this discussion. The issue is who is or is not technically a JW and if you are not baptized then you are not a JW. PERIOD. It doesn't matter what you personally claim, or how others see you. If you act a certain way that would normally "bring reproach on the organization", at the end of the day it comes down to, "well, he/she is not baptized so is technically not one of us". If Donald Trump came out tomorrow saying he was a JW it would not matter AT ALL because all watchtower has to say is "he has never been baptized as one of Jehovah's witnesses so no, he is not a part of nor does he represent our organization".