Simon, here are my statistics:
Go to the FBI website and look at their latest data.
Here are some highlights:
5025 black people were arrested last year for murder. It is important to note that this is the number of arrests; this number doesn’t show if a person was arrested multiple times or if that person was later proven not guilty. But let’s just go with this number.
There were 9468 murders committed last year. So black people committed approximately 53% of the murders. That looks bad.
The FBI website says that there were approximately 47 million black people in the US last year. That’s around 13% of the population. But if only 5023 black people were arrested (assuming they were all different people) then that means that only 0.010% of black people are murderers.
If I compare that same data to white people, then only 0.0050% of white people are murderers.
If you add up all the crime arrests and not just murder and crunch the same data, then the numbers will show that 94.6% of black people are law abiding citizens compared to 95.8% of white people. Those numbers are not far off from one another at all.
Crime is related to poverty. What about those statistics?
Go to the Bureau of Justice website and look at their data. Here are some highlights:
- poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000)
- Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000)
- Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000)
- Violence against persons in poor (51%) and low income (50%) households was more likely to be reported to the police than violence against persons in mid-(43%) and high-income (45%) households.
So according to statistics black crime in poor and urban areas is similar to white crime in those same areas.
Other highlights:
“Black on black” is 63% while “white on white” crime is 56%.
Again, the numbers are not terribly far off from one another. But why is “black on black” crime even a thing? Why don’t we ever talk about “white on white” crime?
Go back to the FBI website data.
Black on black murder rate is 89%
White on white murder rate is 81%
To even bring up black on black crime as if that’s something black people don’t care about is careless and disingenuous. Just because you don’t see everything black people do to address black on black crime, does that mean the efforts don’t exist?
This is a statistic from the US Partnership on Mobility and Poverty: the average white person lives in an area that is 75% white and 8% percent black.
So how do you presume to know that no one is addressing the “black on black” crime?
A recent peer review study showed that black people have the highest rate of community service at 52.9% compared to white people at 41.9%.
The latest charitable giving as a share of median family wealth data shows that black people give 8% compared to white people at 2%.
Why are these numbers important? Do a quick google search on the number of black lives matter protests. Now google the number of “stop the violence” rallies.
I believe the data will show that black people DO in fact care about black on black crime in their communities. Black people commit more time and money to the crime happening in their communities than white people. There are hundreds of black fraternities, sororities, church groups, mentoring organizations, after school programs, community centers, athletic teams, science clubs, music groups, and even FISH FRIES dedicated to stopping violence in black communities. However, this should not be an issue to be brought up to deflect from the OP of this thread.
So after reading all this data showing that rates are pretty similar across the board and that black people actually invest MORE time and money towards solving these issues, why do people still insist with the perception that black men are more dangerous than white men??