When I was the director of Sons of Liberty Riders, I preached that none of them use labels on anyone, since we dont like the bigoty aimed at us. Terms like "rice burner", Yuppy, wannabee, and jap-crap are not only negative, but demeaning. Using those terms also assumes that you put yourself on a higher plane than them, just buy owning a Harley. Not so, as I have seen many an asshole own a Harley and I wouldnt trust them as far as I can piss.... yet I know Honda and Yamaha guys that I trust like brothers.
The description of the biker has been washed into the brains of people via movies and magazines for the past 50 years or more. Mostly, it is untrue crap nowadays, tho it carried more truth back in the 60's, where "bikers" were bikers. Now, all you need is a good credit rating and the "uniform" and most non-riders think you are a hells angel. I avoid those folks, for several reasons.
I dont generally refer to myself as a biker, since it is such a reletive term. I define one as a person, male or female, that has a life that revolves around thier bike... and will ride it in most weather, and whether it is legal or not. The brand doesnt matter at all, as long as you stop anytime a brother is down along the road.