I told my parents about 2 months ago and my mother was not too happy about it. When I told her that I was happy that I didn't have to worry about the meetings and field service, etc... she got upset and told me not to say that I'm happy because it made her sad that I was no longer going to be a witness. I was scared at first to tell them how I truly felt about the org. but after I told them I felt better. I even told my missionary sister a month after I told my mother about leaving the org. She was was very sad but to my surprise she didn't yell at me. She recently sent me a letter about how sad she was after she talked to me. She sent me some photocopies of certain articles from the Watchtower that I had questioned her about regarding the WTBTS.
Doubtfully yours, I hope that your husband will keep on being supportive of your decision to leave the org.