Welcome to all the new posters.
To Sad emo: "I will try to conrol my warped sense of humour" Please don't - give it free reign and you will fit in nicely.
i've signed up some time ago but never really had courage to post.
so here i am, free and open-minded
Welcome to all the new posters.
To Sad emo: "I will try to conrol my warped sense of humour" Please don't - give it free reign and you will fit in nicely.
the jws have a certain understanding of armageddon and the immediate period prior to it that is completely false.
for example there is no reason to believe that they (or anyone else) are doing a pre armageddon preaching separating work but to the contrary given their anti christ behaviour they are clearly not fit for this purpose.
so the end can't be near.
"On the other-hand, there can be a very real "Armageddon", where the actual consciousness which is reading this right now, has it's entire conceptual world/reality and defective identity wiped away, or seen as utterly false.
Here Armageddon is an inner event, an awakening from what I believe self/reality to be, to what is Real, to what I am."
I've had this same notion for some time. The Second Coming can also be seen in this light. If one subscribes to entertaining concepts, the 'second coming' can be seen as concsiousness rediscovering ItSelf through what is known as human form when the identity held by that human form is dropped.
It's always a pleasure to read your posts JT.
i've been out of the org for around 10 years, so i'm not up on some of the jargon being used on the board.. would anyone mind making a list defining the acronyms being used (as many as you can think of)?
i know there are tons of them; some of which are self-explanitory, and others have me stumped.
i see a new one every time i log on.
Hey ballistic,
I yield to your superior creativity - umop 3pisdn - that's great! Come on u/d, you've got genius championing your name! Whaddaya say?
i've been out of the org for around 10 years, so i'm not up on some of the jargon being used on the board.. would anyone mind making a list defining the acronyms being used (as many as you can think of)?
i know there are tons of them; some of which are self-explanitory, and others have me stumped.
i see a new one every time i log on.
Hey u/d - I was thinking that maybe to be true to your name you should make it down/upside, or better yet p\n (when read upside down you get u/d) whaddya think?
there is much discussion here about the bible.
some might see that after hundreds of years of argument and controversy no two people interpret the damn thing exactly the same, and so they have acquired the wisdom to abandon it.
there is a story which goes like this: .
"The reason is that truth is subject to understanding of the facts. Until all facts are known, there can be no ultimate truth. We have not even discovered all the facts about our own planet yet and there is an entire universe out there."
James is pointing to that inexpressible 'something' (which is really no 'thing' at all) in which the mind arises. After mind arises out of this something/nothingness the mind catalogs and labels various things into 'facts'. The ultimate truth is the container of the relative truths of manifestation. Nothing within manifestation ever remains the same, and therefore cannot be ultimate truth - only that which never changes can be given that label (but don't mistake the label for truth itself).
James is challenging each of us to discover directly for oneself this something/nothingness which is eternally here now, and which never can change, and which can be the only ultimate truth. It is beyond the mind, beyond time, and is the foundation upon which everything else depends - nothing can exist without it. The miracle of this is that this something/nothingness is your very nature, and because it is always here it is always available to be re-cognized if you are simply willing to look for it.
You will never know ultimate truth, you can only be it.
is anyone here familiar with the book a course in miracles?
as i look back in retrospect this book was instrumental in the deprogramming of my mind from all the jw indroctination.
one of the most useful things i learned is to stop judging and you will not be judged, stop reviling and you will not be reviled.
I came across A Course in Miracles many years ago and couldn't really get through it - too many words and too formulaic for my taste. All of those words can be reduced to "Be still" (even futher reduceable to "be") but that won't appeal to those whose minds need something to chew on. For those who like such regimentation (as JT has described it) it can be life changing.
i need debate practice on the subject for the next time i'm cornered.
I have been looking at this thread title for days now and can only chuckle because as stated, there is an implicit assumption that YOU exist, and that this 'you' needs/wants an answer to your statement.
Would it not be more important to discover if there is in reality a 'you'? Find out who/what you are before any ideas/concepts arise about your identity, then see if your statement about god needs to be addressed. Most people overlook the essential truth of what they really are in favor of continued reliance on mental constructs, and therein lies the root of all suffering and confusion.
See through the mental desire/compulsion to prove/know anything whatsoever about anything whatsoever, and then discover how life is experienced directly and nakedly in the ever present moment. See how there will never be a definitive response to your statement because all statements of proof lie within the provence of the mind and whatever 'god' is must be beyond the mind.
i have been seeing alot of sad and mean posts.. ok say something nice about the person above you.. it does not have to start with me i am not looking for compliments just some good vibes and good thoughts today.
lets get a thread of love!.
Poppers is a guy and Golden Girl is very astute. I feel the love!
being consciously present in this moment of life's expression, being open and meeting with this present moment of reality, being truly with what is actually here without judgments and mental commentary, does not seem to leave much room for beliefs in deities and their shenanigans.
in fact such imaginings only seem to steal away the vibrant aliveness of here.
so, perhaps, it is when we are not that much present with the truth of life, right here, right now, and rather lost in mental interpretations that we feel a need to become involved in the drama of gods and religion.
'doing is all that is left for me.'
In reality, it is in not 'doing' that this is seen. Doing is of the mind - being simply is. We are human beings - we're very familiar with the human part, but we are out of balance because the being part has been overlooked. In being, there is no doing at all. The human part is the part that does all doing - just recognize how and when doing manifests. In the recognition of how doing manifests beingness is revealed.
The simplest thing is to remain present and not get caught up in ideas. Once there is a basic understanding there is really nothing to think about - that will only complicate it. Simply soak in the immediacy of the moment; be present with what is, as it is, because it is, and when mind is noticed again return to the present moment.
being consciously present in this moment of life's expression, being open and meeting with this present moment of reality, being truly with what is actually here without judgments and mental commentary, does not seem to leave much room for beliefs in deities and their shenanigans.
in fact such imaginings only seem to steal away the vibrant aliveness of here.
so, perhaps, it is when we are not that much present with the truth of life, right here, right now, and rather lost in mental interpretations that we feel a need to become involved in the drama of gods and religion.
Please allow me to give you my perspective on your question to JT -
'it's so simple it's almost scary. but, it makes sense inately, deep inside somewhere.'
It is simple - it is simplicity itself. Anything beyond simplicity is an intrusion of the mind. It makes sense innately because the real you recognizes itself in JT's words. Pure awareness/You is unmodified awareness without limitation, while mind is modified awareness with limitation. 'Scary' is an idea projected by the mind which is used as a strategy to maintain control and dominance - giving up control is scary indeed for the mind, but mind will always be available when necessary. When this is recognized 'scary' fades away on its own.
'is this being, with life and aliveness in the moment, something that people take time out of their schedules to do?'
When one first encounters these ideas which point beyond all ideas there can be a familiarization period where taking 'time out' may appear helpful. When the recognition of awareness becomes stabilized in consciousness it will be seen that awareness is always here, and that presence is eternal because it is beyond time (time is a concept created by the mind).
'or, is it something permeates everything in ones life?'
It is here, now; it is with everything in every circumstance. Every event, every encounter, every 'thing' which is seen, felt, heard, smelt, tasted, and touched arises out of this pure awareness/You. Life simply flows and flowers and isn't even thought about unless one consciously takes 'time' to think about it. And all the while there is the silence and stillness, the peace and contentment and fulfillment of Life/You/awareness caressing the all.
'is it a way of living, or a way of healing?'
It is the source of life itself. It unifies what had been separted by the mind. In the seeing of all as an expression of oneness is healing because the separate has been realized to be whole.
'strangely, this is all so new to me...'
You are in for a delightful discovery. 'This' is ever new, ever fresh, ever vibrant, and always here, now.