Hey Sabin, we've all done it. I too feel bad for the way I used to look at other people. I either looked right through them like they didn't exist, saw them as a possible number on my time slip for the month, or wondered if they were going to give me a hard time at their door. I never saw them as humans with the same feelings as I had, with families and other loved ones. The love I had as a JW was manufactured and shallow. The love I have now after opening my mind and heart and reading books on emotional abuse and narcissism and the like have really helped me to develop a side of me that was never allowed to flourish. I love people now, all people, and don't view myself as any better than anyone. After reading Tolle's book "A New Earth" I could see how much of what I did in the past as a JW was all ego based, and how much I missed seeing in myself and others.
I too am glad that you're not doing it anymore. ;) I'm glad to be freed myself as well.