I'm late to this part and certainly no expert on the subject. Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong or answer any questions I pose.
First, why should someone be able to live independently on minimum wage? It seems that now people expect to be able to raise a family on that. Why? Also, the wage is then multiplied by 40 hours. Why 40? Who says that is an acceptable amount of time to work?
Could it be that if minimum wage jobs are all you qualify for, maybe you shouldn't plan to have kids or a spouse that doesn't also work? If you do, should you maybe then have to work more to pay for your life? Should you maybe have to work on increasing your skills and becoming more valuable in the marketplace?
I grew up poor to the point where if it wasn't for the kindness of people at the KH at times we wouldn't have really had food. Why? My dad wasn't exactly a go-getter and my mom didn't work. My dad would turn down overtime and seemed to just want to work as little as possible. He hated his job, and I get that, but we all suffered. Had he worked more, had my mom worked, had they spent time bettering themselves, maybe we wouldn't have been in that position.
I'm no college grad, but I have always been willing to work as much as it took not to be in the financial position of my parents. My wife and I clean houses. We support ourselves well doing that, no higher education required. And you know what? We have a waiting list of families that want us to clean for them. Why? Because we not only do a good job but we're conscientious, hard working, honest people. Why don't we hire? Because finding people that want to be conscientious, hard working, honest workers is hard. We have a client that has a handyman business paying a very good wage that cannot find reliable help. In fact, many people that he hires have stolen from him.
I do think that minimum wage matters. But nothing works if people aren't willing to. Surely in some areas there is a dearth of work and minimum wage may be all that is there. In others there may be opportunities out there that nobody is bothering to reach for because they might have to work hard and not handed to them. I also wonder how much the government supporting people has discouraged people and made them lazy. Why bother working or even trying if you can survive without doing much of anything? I know many cleaning business owners that can't even get people to show up for interviews or just use them to put on unemployment records to act like they're trying to find work. So the minimum wage, at least to this guy who is admittedly not an expert on the subject, seems like only a small part of the overall problem.