JoinedPosts by dubstepped
2016 Regional Convention - Sunday Morning synopsis
by Jehalapeno invia reddit.
here are the morning program highlights.
will update for the afternoon once it's all over.
So in the end, the bunker buddies have all managed to congregate themselves and pat themselves on the back while the authorities come in to get them. Brother bunkerless with the hairy palms from watching phone porn, or without depression and anxiety because he didn't force himself to preach, or whatever, is still out there and not necessarily abandoned by Jehovah, though inferred through the indoctrination. That bunker wasn't an ark. They apparently weren't protected at all. It was nothing more than a circle jerk of spiritual self-reflection. It accomplished nothing to flee to that bunker, according to the notes. -
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
Good grief, she doesn't even see you. She doesn't care what you think. It's all about her. "No" is a complete sentence. You don't need more than that. You don't have to explain yourself and take down every notion she comes up with as to why this should be acceptable. She has to learn to respect you, or she has to take her cart and walk her happy azz down to a brother and sister's house who will take her in. After all, they're her closest family, as would be evidenced by any judicial action against you.
JW reasoning doesn't matter here. You don't want it. End of story. She's still trying to reason with you as though JW's are the ultimate authority and they say it is okay. They aren't that authority for you. She can't get that.
I'm sorry you're dealing with a person that at least exhibits these narcissistic behaviors. I grew up with two. It sucked.
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
If she doesn't bring anything to this relationship and arrangement, why are you supporting her?
because I live in a culture that puts the family, especially the Mama on a pedestal and nothing take her off that position.Well, if the roles were reversed and she was on the outs with the JW's and you were in, and she got DF'ed, you'd have to shun her right? Sounds like she can definitely be removed from her pedestal. She would likely remove you from it in such a case.
I don't know your culture. I know it hurts to go against the grain, but nobody should get a free pass to treat you any way that they want just because they had sex with someone they wanted to have sex with and it resulted in your birth and subsequent responsibility to care for you. Some parents carry that out with love and devotion, others with control and toxicity. Pedestals are usually for people that earn them. Ultimately it's up to you to do what you want, but if you put a toxic person on a pedestal, you'll get poisoned. Maybe there are some horrific cultural punishments that you'll have to endure for sending your mom off that we don't know about. I'm sorry you're facing this but you can make it stop. You can't control everything in life, but don't accept powerlessness. Good luck.
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
I have two questions.
What DOES your mom bring to this living arrangement? She doesn't seem to respect you, doesn't respect your home, and doesn't contribute financially since you said she refuses to work.
If she doesn't bring anything to this relationship and arrangement, why are you supporting her?
Someone anonymously tipped the elders?
by raven inso here an update on my current situation, in a nutshell i've been trying to quietly fade for the past 5 months.. well, my mom somehow found out that i am currently fading and that i live with my boyfriend (for more info on this check my previous posts) i told her yes i live with him and yes i no longer want to be a jw.
anyways, yesterday she met my boyfriend.. awkward.
and after lunch she pulled me aside to tell me that the po came up to her (he was part of my jc when i was reproved) he said to her "someone came to me and said - i cannot say who so they will remain anonymous- but that your daughter is living with someone" my mom confirmed and apparently he told her that i have one week to confess this, and if i don't my parents are obligated to tell them everything.. what kind of nonsense is that?
Same thing happened to my brother close to 15 years ago. He had a girl living with him and hadn't been to meetings in probably about the same amount of time, maybe more, it was a long time ago. Anyway, elders tried to hunt him down relentlessly. I didn't know where he lived, just a street, and I knocked on doors myself to find him, not to get him in trouble, but because I cared for my brother and wanted him to not be alone. He was fading. Anyway, an elder in my congregation cornered me in the KH after a meeting right in the auditorium. He demanded to know my brother's whereabouts because they wanted to "help" him. I told them that the Bible says that they are to go find their lost sheep and abandon the flock to do so. I went and found him, so why couldn't they do the same out of their love and desire to "help" him. Things got super heated, enough that another elder stepped in to calm the first down. F&@! them, I'm not there to do their dirty work for them.
Ultimately, they found out where he worked and stalked him there. They waited for him to come out of work and he was "invited" to a judicial committee meeting. If he declined, he'd be disfellowshipped in absentia. He didn't attend and that's what happened. He wanted to disappear and live his life and be left alone. That's all he ever wanted from the time he left home.
I was told even just a year from then that it's not how things worked anymore. Elders don't hunt people down that just want to leave, and I actually know someone that they never pursued that should have been DF'ed back then. It hurt me a lot that my brother was DF'ed, and this other person wasn't. I really struggled to make sense of it. My mom told me that "those whom Jehovah loves, he disciplines", and that brought me comfort as I grasped for straws way back then. It comforted me to think that maybe Jehovah loved my brother and saw something in him that would result in him coming back. Now I know that it's just selective enforcement punitive bullshit that was executed upon my brother because he was from our uber-dub family with my elder father. The other kid was left alone because his dad never really attended, his mom did occasionally, and they just never cared about them in any way so if they left, meh.....who cares. My brother though had to be made an example.
I wish I had good news for you. Here we are 15 years after my brother's ordeal and the same stuff still happens. You know how this will play out. Maybe you can threaten attorneys and stuff, I personally just think this will go down regardless as a DF'ing and you're going to have to move on with your life and leave that chapter behind regardless of what you do at this point. Maybe it works for some, but I haven't seen it work. Sometimes in life you have to let the chips fall as they may and realize that you don't have control. My wife and I DA'ed after things happened that were out of our control as the last measure of doing things on our terms, and it was great. You have choices, none are particularly great, as that's what cults do. You just have to pick what feels right to you and what you've got the strength or personality to do.
Jehovah Witness vs Jehovah's Witness
by Simon inbeing brought up as a jehovah's witness means you are so used to the term that you rarely stop to think about it.. one thing i've noticed is that people unfamiliar with the religion will say "jehovah witness" (no 's) instead which i always found a bit grating.. but watching the us election, something struck me.
people are often referred to as "trump supporters", not "trump's supporters" and so on.
thinking about other things, people would say they were "united fan's", not "united's fans" and so on.. it seems weird that a group would refer to themselves as though it was someone else talking about them (in the 3rd person, if i have that right).. what do you think?
I always said that I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Those other ways never made sense to me. Now they all turn my stomach. -
Canada Legislature passes new bill for the protection of Transgenders. Will this mean the end of shunning policy
by Quarterback insince shunning is looked upon as a form of hatred crime.
i wonder if these changes may alter the shunning practices in the wt world
Nothing will ever change it. Shunning isn't just an organizational mandate, but they see it as Biblical, just like the two witness rule. No governmental organization will change it. They can change things like house to house records, as that's not in the Bible, but shunning is here to stay. -
Prince and addictive drugs…a possible loophole?
by Londo111 inaccording to the elder's rulebook, there is this addendum in the chapter on the grounds for judicial committee and the section: "misuse of addictive drugs":.
please note: the use of addictive drugs under medical supervision, such as for pain management, would not necessarily require judicial review.
when questions arise, consult with the branch office.. .
The key words there were "under medical supervision". Clearly if you're abusing prescription drugs you've gone outside of medical supervision in most cases to get more pills. It shouldn't be a loophole and doesn't seem to be one in this case. I would see it as one for medical marijuana though.
KEDI healthcare
by COLLINS ini need information about kedi healthcare.
i know a little detail about this network marketing.
i need experiences of those who have worked in this network before because i am about joining this network marketing business.
Get a real job or start your own real business and stop falling for opportunities that promise riches for little work. Very few people ever make money in network marketing, mom, pyramid schemes, or whatever you want to call them. -
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
Hey Blackwolf, here's a thread on the generation scriptures that offered a point I found to be one of the best yet for shutting down their idiotic interpretation:
When describing the new understanding, they alluded to a muddied scripture in Exodus to explain what a generation is. However, if they looked right there in Matthew at the beginning of the book, generations are listed, and it isn't difficult to understand what one is.