Very interesting. Admittedly it has been a few years since I've really been active in that area. I'm glad that your son had his life saved. That's awesome. The moderate ADHD is what it is. We all have different abilities, emotional ranges, ways of thinking, etc. To me, unless it is severe, it isn't so much a disorder as just another way of being.
I will warn you that one of the reasons O left the forums is that I got tired of the victim mentality, the us vs. them of the disordered and the NT (neurotypical). It is an attitude that pops up in most areas of life where there's differences. They want the world to accommodate them rather than adapting to it, in some instances. It started getting to me after being active on there for years. Don't let that deter you, that place was a lifesaver for me, but I outgrew it.