As I said in your other post about it, I look at it another way. What if all of the people scared of being shunned took steps to force shunning by officially leaving? How many JWs would be forced to do something they may not be dehumanized enough to do by shunning people they love? What if having to shun would wake them up because it hurts and is so unnatural? What if their shunning may be the one button we could push that would force them to experience the ugliness they're involved in but we're too scared to do it?
I can say that having to shun my brother, and doing so for years, was the one constant thing pinging the cognitive dissonance in my mind and even before realizing that "The Truth" was a lie that one thing helped me realize how manipulative it all was. Waking up isn't often a one step process but that one thing was a constant source of just feeling like something wasn't quite right. My first act of rebellion, even before fully waking up, was taking a stand to see my brother again.